Viewing Item Status

The item STATUS is a fixed-length field in the item record. Sierra primarily displays the item status in various standard SDA circulation functions, although the item status definition can also appear in WebPAC record browse displays to assist patrons. Some item statuses are system-generated as part of circulation processing (for example, BILLED), while library staff can add others (for example, LIB USE ONLY) to indicate that an item is not in use for circulation. For more information about possible item status values, see the description for the STATUS field.

To view the status of an item, retrieve the item record. The STATUS field shows whether the item is considered in circulation or not. In Sierra 6.1 and later, you can also view the date and time the item status last changed by hovering the mouse over the STATUS field. If the item status has not changed since this feature was introduced, Sierra displays "No Information" instead of a date.

An item in circulation usually shows a status of '-' and is either:

An item not in circulation shows a status other than '-' and is not available for circulation actions. For example, the item might be in transit or missing.

STATUS '-' and Available for Checkout

When an item is in circulation and available for checkout, the STATUS field in the item record displays one of the following, depending on your login's Fixed-length Field Display Mode Edit option.

Codes only: -
Descriptions only: AVAILABLE
Both codes and descriptions: -  AVAILABLE

The Displayed Meaning

If you have changed the meaning of the '-' value in the Item Status Codes table, your system displays the meaning saved in this file (such as "CHECK SHELF") rather than the default meaning of "AVAILABLE".

STATUS '-' and Checked Out

After you check out an item to a patron, the STATUS field in the item record displays one of the following, depending on your login's Fixed-length Field Display Mode Edit option.

Codes only: -
Descriptions only: <DUE DATE>
Both codes and descriptions: -  <DUE DATE>

The due date displays in the color specified for your login's System-generated fields Editor Colors preference. For example, if you have set up your login's preferences to display both codes and descriptions and to display the text of system-generated fields in blue, an item due on July 9, 2006, displays the following in its STATUS field:

-  07-09-06
Changing the Due Date

To change the date displayed in the item's STATUS field, you must change the due date itself by, for example, renewing the item or changing the due date for a renewal.

Item Not In Circulation

For more information about statuses of items not in circulation (where the item status is not '-'), see Checking In an Item whose Status Is Not '-' and Checking Out an Item whose Status Is Not '-'.