Setting an Item In Transit
When you set an item in transit at the time of checkin, the system does the following:
- Sets the item record's STATUS to 't' (IN TRANSIT).
- Inserts a transit message in the item record. The transit message indicates when the item was set in transit, who set the item in transit, as well as the item's destination. For example:
Mon Jun 07 2010 12:56PM: IN TRANSIT from dnoble to north
If you place an item in transit to fulfill an item-level hold and the system is configured to include this information in the display, the word (HOLD) also appears in the item's status display. For more information, see In Transit to Satisfy a Hold.
- If the item was previously claimed as returned—that is, the item STATUS is 'z' (CLMS RTRND) at the time of checkin, before the item is set in transit—the system removes the "claimed returned" notes from both the item record and the associated patron record.