Determining Item Destination at Checkin
When you check in an item, the system determines the item's destination as follows:
- The system determines the location to which the item belongs.
- If your login is associated with a Locations Served and the item's owning location is in the same Locations Served list as your checkin location, the item belongs to your location.
- If the item's owning location is not in the same Locations Served list as your checkin location, the item belongs to another location.
- The system determines whether the item can satisfy a hold.
- If the item does not satisfy a hold, the item's destination is its owning location.
- If the item belongs to the checkin location, the item has reached its destination.
- If the item belongs to another location, the item should be set in transit to its owning location. For more information, see Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location.
- If your library uses Floating Collections and the item is set up to float among locations, the system checks the item in to your location and does not prompt you to set the item in transit to its owning location.
- If the item can satisfy a hold, the system determines the item's destination as follows:
- If there is an INN-Reach hold on the item, the item's destination is the patron site (i.e., the INN-Reach pickup location). For more information about setting an item in transit to the patron site, see Checking In an Item that Satisfies an INN-Reach Hold.
- If the item satisfies a standard circulation hold (i.e., any hold other than an INN-Reach hold), the item's destination is the hold pickup location unless your system is configured otherwise; for example:
- If a Locations Served is not assigned to your login, the system functions as if the item's destination is the checkin location. For more information, see Checking In a Held Item at the Pickup Location.
- If the item satisfies a title-level hold and the Home Pickup element of the applicable loan rule is set to y, the system changes the pickup location to match the home location of the item. Therefore, the item's destination is the item's owning location. For more information, see Checking In an Item at a Non-owning Location for Hold Pickup Elsewhere.
- If the owning location requires that the item be sent home, the item's destination is the item's owning location regardless of whether holds exist for the item. For more information, see Checking In an Item that Must Be Sent to the Owning Location.
- If your library has enabled automatic checkout and the next patron in the hold queue is designated for automatic checkout, the item's destination is the item's owning location. For more information, see Automatically Checking Out an Item Upon Checkin.
- If your library uses Held Item Delivery and the next patron in the hold queue has requested that the item be delivered, the item's destination is the delivery location (the delivery location mails the held item to the patron). For more information, see Held Item Delivery.
- For more information about items that are checked in at the pickup location, regardless of owning location, see Checking In a Held Item at the Pickup Location.
- For more information about items that are to be set in transit to their pickup location and are checked in at a non-owning location, see Checking In an Item at a Non-owning Location for Hold Pickup Elsewhere.
- For more information about items that are to be set in transit to their pickup location and are checked in at their owning location, see Checking In an Item at the Owning Location for Hold Pickup Elsewhere.
- If the item does not satisfy a hold, the item's destination is its owning location.