Checking in an ASRS Item

When you check in an ASRS item (i.e., an item that belongs to an ASRS location), the system's behavior is dictated by the version of the ASRS Interface your library uses.

Determining Who Requested an ASRS Item

To determine which patron requested an ASRS item, view the ASRS log for the item.

ASRS Version 1

When you check in an ASRS item, the same prompts display as when you check in an item that belongs to another location. The system notifies the ASRS machine that it has checked in an item that is designated for ASRS storage. The item must be returned to its owning location, which is part of the ASRS machine.

ASRS Version 2

When you check in an ASRS item, the system behaves according to whether the specified ASRS pickup location belongs to your Locations Served.

First Checkin at the ASRS Pickup Location

If you check in a requested ASRS item whose STATUS is 't' (IN TRANSIT) and the specified ASRS pickup location belongs to your Locations Served, the system changes the STATUS of the item to the ASRS pickup code customized for your library (see Setting Up the ASRS Interface Product). The following message alerts you that the item was sent to fulfill an ASRS request:

Item available for ASRS pickup.

Choose OK to continue. Notify the patron that the item has arrived.

Subsequent Checkins at the ASRS Pickup Location

If you check in a requested ASRS item whose STATUS matches the ASRS pickup code customized for your library and the specified ASRS pickup location belongs to your Locations Served, the system determines if the item is checked out.

Item is Checked Out

If the item is currently checked out, the same prompts display as when you check in an item that belongs to another location. (The item must be returned to its owning location, which is part of the ASRS machine.) In addition, the system clears the checkout and notifies the ASRS machine that it has checked in an item that is designated for ASRS storage.

Item is Not Checked Out

If the item is not checked out, the following prompt displays:

Item has not been checked out, send back to ASRS?

To continue without returning the item to the ASRS machine, choose NO. To send the item back to the ASRS machine, choose YES. If you choose YES, the system prompts:

Item being returned to ASRS.

The system puts the item in transit to the its owning location. Choose OK to continue. The system asks you if want to print a transit slip.

Print transit slip?

Choose YES or NO to print a transit slip. The system notifies the ASRS machine that it has checked in an item that is designated for ASRS storage.

Checkin at Non-ASRS Pickup Location

If you check in an ASRS item and the specified ASRS pickup location does not belong to your Locations Served, the same prompts display as when you check in an item that belongs to another location. If the item is already in transit to a location (e.g., the ASRS pickup location), the system prompts you to send the item to that location.

If the item is not in transit, the system prompts you to place the item in transit to its owning location and notifies the ASRS machine that it has checked in an item that is designated for ASRS storage.