Customizing the INN-Reach Paging Slip Text

Pickup Anywhere Paging Slips

If your library has acquired Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach, you can also customize the text of Pickup Anywhere paging slips. For more information, see Setting Up Pickup Anywhere.

Your Local Server can customize the text that the system uses in INN-Reach paging slips.

To customize the text used in INN-Reach paging slips:

  1. Add an entry for paging slips to the Text of Circulation Notices table if one does not already exist.
  2. Set the Pageslips : Text # circulation option as follows:
    • If the circulation option is already set for local circulation paging slips, verify that the assigned text is also appropriate for INN-Reach paging slips.
    • If the circulation option is not set, enter the number for the text you want to assign to INN-Reach paging slips.
    The system uses the text you assign in the Pageslips : Text # circulation option for both local circulation paging slips and INN-Reach paging slips.

    After you change the value of the Pageslips: Text # option, the system displays the following message:

    Call Innovative to restart automatic request processing and the INN-Reach Circulation Daemon.

    The system also warns you that the changes you made to the option do not take effect until the programs using that option are restarted.
  3. Contact Innovative to restart automatic request processing and the INN-Reach Circulation daemon.
  4. Restart any Sierra instances that were started before you changed the circulation option.