Setting Up Pickup Anywhere

To use Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach, the following tasks must be completed:

Task   Performed By
1. Determine INN-Reach System Pickup Anywhere Profile Central System Administrator
2. Coordinate the Opening of Ports Central System Administrator
3. Open Ports on Local Servers Local Server Coordinators
4. Product Installation Innovative
5. Configure INN-Reach Central Server Central System Administrator
6. Configure Local Server Local Server Coordinators
7. Enable the Product Central System Administrator

Determine INN-Reach System Pickup Anywhere Profile (Central System Administrator)

Your Central System Administrator must specify how Pickup Anywhere should be implemented in your INN-Reach System by setting up the Pickup Anywhere mapping table. See Central Pickup Anywhere Mapping File.


Multiple INN-Reach Systems

If your Local Server participates in more than one INN-Reach System, your Central System Administrator must assign a unique key to your Pickup Anywhere location(s) for use with each INN-Reach Central Server. (Innovative recommends that you create a separate login for use with each INN-Reach Central Server.)

Coordinate the Opening of Ports (Central System Administrator)

After your Central System Administrator completes the INN-Reach System Pickup Anywhere Profile, he should perform the following steps:

  1. Open ports 1031, 4465, and 4470 on the INN-Reach Central Server to incoming and outgoing messages
  2. Contact the Local Server coordinator(s) for each Local Server in the INN-Reach System and instruct them to open ports 4465, 4470, and 6601 on their Local Servers to incoming and outgoing messages.

Open Ports on Local Servers (Local Server Coordinators)

When you are instructed by your Central System Administrator, open ports 4465, 4470, and 6601 on your Local Server to incoming and outgoing messages.

Product Installation (Innovative)

Contact Innovative to install Pickup Anywhere. Depending on the size of your INN-Reach System, it might take a few days for Innovative to complete the installation. After the installation is complete, Innovative notifies your Central System Administrator.

Configure INN-Reach Central Server (Central System Administrator)

After Innovative has installed the product, your Central System Administrator must perform the following steps:

  1. Set up the Pickup Anywhere Rule Selection table on the INN-Reach Central Server.
  2. Create Loan Rules on the INN-Reach Central Server for use with Pickup Anywhere items.
Pickup Anywhere Loan Rules

The system does not actually apply the Loan Rules from the INN-Reach Central Server to Pickup Anywhere items. Instead, the system uses the appropriate Loan Rule to determine the DUE DATE it should assign to a Pickup Anywhere item when that item is loaned to the remote site. All other aspects of the loan (for example, whether the item is renewable, which notices to generate) are determined by the Loan Rule stored in the virtual item, which is generated by the requesting patron's Local Server.

  1. Inform Local Server Coordinators to configure their Local Servers for Pickup Anywhere circulation.

Configure Local Server (Local Server Coordinators)

To configure Pickup Anywhere on your Local Server:

  1. Set the Pickup Anywhere Pageslips: Text # circulation option to specify which text message the system includes on Pickup Anywhere paging slips. For information on creating text messages, see Text of Circulation Notices table. The message you choose should clearly identify that the paging slip is for a Pickup Anywhere request. For example:

    Paging Slip - ***PICKUP ANYWHERE REQUEST***
    A hold has been placed on the following item for the patron listed above. Please pull this item and forward it to the library location given above.

  2. Add the unique code for each Pickup Anywhere location in your INN-Reach System to your Local Server's Branch (location) table. (Your Central System Administrator created these codes as part of the INN-Reach System Pickup Anywhere Profile.) You might want consider adding these locations to your Local Server's Locations Served table.
  3. Complete the following steps for each login that will be used to process Pickup Anywhere transactions:
    1. Enable Pickup Anywhere access for the login (see Pickup Anywhere).
    2. Assign the key specified by your Central System Administrator for that Pickup Anywhere location to the login (see Pickup Anywhere).
  4. Inform your Central System Administrator that you have completed these steps.
Allowing Requests for Locally Available Items

By default, patrons are not allowed to place INN-Reach requests for items that are available at their own sites. However, Innovative can configure INN-Reach to allow patrons to request items from their own sites. For more information on this option, see Allowing INN-Reach Requests for Locally Available Items.

Multiple INN-Reach Systems

If your Local Server participates in more than one INN-Reach System, your Central System Administrator must assign a unique key to your Pickup Anywhere location(s) for use with each INN-Reach Central Server. (Innovative recommends that you create a separate login for use with each INN-Reach Central Server.)

Enable Pickup Anywhere Requesting in the INN-Reach Catalog (Central System Administrator)

To enable Pickup Anywhere requesting in the INN-Reach Catalog, your Central System Administrator must:

  1. Enable the IR_CENT_DISTLEARN Web option on the INN-Reach Central Server.
  2. Restart the Web Server.