Long Names for Variable Length Fields

The Long Names for Variable Length Fields file contains descriptive names of variable-length fields for record displays in Sierra applications and WebPAC. If the record fields meet the criteria in the MARC Label Names file, then the MARC Label Names file entries are used instead of the Long Names for Variable Length Fields file for WebPAC display.

See Variable-Length Fields for a complete description of the variable-length fields used in the Sierra system.

Data Elements

Each entry in the Long Names for Variable Length Fields file consists of the following elements:

Element Name Description
TAG NAME THIS ELEMENT IS PROTECTED FROM EDITING Specifies the short name for the field.
MARC DEFAULT TAG Specifies the default MARC tag when entering new fields. Note that this data element specifies a default MARC tag only; it cannot specify indicator values. Do NOT attempt to input indicator values. (To prompt for MARC tags and indicator values, create default templates that prompt for MARC variable fields with specified MARC tags and indicators.) To specify no MARC tag, enter 000.
WHERE LOCATED THIS ELEMENT IS PROTECTED FROM EDITING Specifies the record type(s) in which the field appears. The element is a string made up of 'Y' and 'N', where 'Y' means 'yes' (the field appears in the record type) and 'N' means 'no' (the field does not appear in the record type). Each 'Y' and 'N' correspond to a record type based on their position in the string. The record types appear in the order 'BOCAIPRNVELTGSJ' where 'B' is bibliographic, 'O' is order, etc. The string 'NNNNNNNNYNNNNN', therefeore, indicates that a field appears in a vendor record.
LONG NAME Specifies the long name for the field, as it appears in Sierra and WebPAC applications. The name may be up to 80 characters long and must not contain vertical bars (|) or square brackets ([ or ]).

Editing the Long Names for Variable Length Fields File

  1. In the Select file drop-down menu in the ASAA function, choose Long Names for Variable Length Fields and then Select.
  2. Double-click the variable-length field you want to edit.
  3. The Long Names for Variable Length Fields file is an internationalized file. If your library has been set up for more than one language, the Edit window includes separate text boxes for input of long names for each of these languages.
  4. Enter the field names in the Edit window, and select OK.

The system automatically restarts all WebPAC servers running on your Innovative machine(s) after you save your changes.

For more information on editing this file, see Editing Entries.