Search Alert Options File


Contact the Help Desk to turn on email notification of Preferred Search titles. This notification is performed by the system in batch mode. By default, Innovative sets up email notification of Preferred Search titles to run weekly at 4:00 A.M. on Monday. If you prefer a different day, time, or frequency for emails to be sent, please indicate this when you contact the Help Desk to set up this feature.


"Limit to Available" searching is not supported with Preferred Searches.

The Search Alert Options (psearchd.conf) file controls:


The Search Alert Options (psearchd.conf) file is not stageable. Changes to this file are always "live".

File Elements and Editing

You can edit this file using the Web Master function. For more information, see Editing the Search Alert Options File.

This file can contain any of the following triggers. All triggers are in the following format: 


Where [value] is the trigger value.  For example:

Trigger values can not contain a space between the trigger name and the equals character. For example, the following is an invalid trigger:


The following triggers are required in the Search Alert Options file:

If more than one date trigger appears in the file, they are ANDed together (i.e., the record must meet all given ranges to be considered a "new" acquisition).


Specifies the host name for the URL retrieved by the %U trigger. For example:

Do not put http:// before the host name when defining the #HOST= trigger.

This trigger must be placed before the #EMAILBODY= trigger in the Search Alert Options file.


Specifies the port to use in the URL retrieved by the %U trigger. For example:


If this trigger is not specified, the system uses port 80.


Specifies the maximum number of titles per email for which to notify the patron. If this trigger is not specified, the WebPAC uses a maximum of 32 titles per email.


Specifies the maximum number of titles that will be inspected in any single Preferred Search result set. If this trigger is not specified, the WebPAC uses a maximum search target of 5000 records.


This trigger specifies the message to display if a Preferred Search result set exceeds the value of the #MAXTARGET= trigger. If this trigger is not specified, Preferred Searches uses the following default:

Your preferred search is too broad to check every title for new arrivals. Please try a narrower search.

This trigger must be placed before the #EMAILBODY= trigger in the Search Alert Options file. If this trigger is not included, Preferred Searches will not display a warning message if the search target exceeds the value of the #MAXTARGET= trigger.


Specifies the text of the Subject line in the email header. The default is:

Library notification of new arrival.


Specifies the 'From' address for Preferred Search notification emails.The valid trigger value is a fully-qualified email address.

For example:

DATE Triggers

You should set the following DATE triggers to correspond with how your system is configured to send email notification of Preferred Searches. For example:

For weekly: #CDATE=2-9

For monthly: #CDATE=2-32


Preferred Searches uses the CDATE fixed-length field from the order record to compare against the current date. The value of this trigger is a range, in days and must be a value greater than zero. A bibliographic record is considered "new" if the value of the CDATE fixed-length field matches the range before the current date. For example, if the value is "2-32," then the CDATE field must contain a date that is 2 to 32 days earlier than the current date.


Preferred Searches uses the RDATE fixed-length field from the order record to compare against the current date. The value of this trigger is a range, in days and must be a value greater than zero. A bibliographic record is considered "new" if the value of the RDATE fixed-length field matches the range before the current date. For example, if the value is "2-32," then the RDATE field must contain a date that is 2 to 32 days earlier than the current date.


Preferred Searches uses the CAT DATE fixed-length field from the bibliographic record to compare against the current date. The value of this trigger is a range, in days and must be a value greater than zero. A bibliographic record is considered "new" if the value of the CAT DATE fixed-length field matches the range before the current date. For example, if the value is "2-32," then the CAT DATE field must contain a date that is 2 to 32 days earlier than the current date.


For the #EMAILHEAD=, #EMAILFOOT=, and #EMAILBODY= triggers, all text on the trigger line and every subsequent line up until either the next trigger line, the end of the file, or the 99th line following the particular trigger line are included in the given portion of the notification email. You can enter multiple bibliographic field tag triggers on the same line. For example:

Title: %T %i


Specifies the text that precedes the list of items in the notification list.


Specifies the text for the notification list. You can specify any lowercase alpha tag for a bibliographic record field by preceding the bibliographic field tag with the '%' character. For example:

%a Author field
%d Subject field
%i ISSN field

In addition, Search Alert Options supports the following special characters (For title fields, the program distinguishes between a lowercase t and uppercase T as follows:):

  %t   First 't' field from the bib record
  %T   The "best" title field from the bib record. This is determined by the record's MARCTYPE:

MARCTYPEBest Title Field
' ' (MARC21)245
'k' (UKMARC)245
'u' (UNIMARC)200
'c' (CMARC)200
'?' (JMARC)251

When the notification is sent, the contents of the specified field are inserted into the text. If there is more than one field of the specified type in the record, the first such field is used.

%S The search term that identified the title.
%U The URL of the bibliographic record.


Specifies the text that follows the list of items in the notification list.


#HOST=your domain name without http://
#MAXTARGETMESSAGE=Your preferred search is too broad to check every title for new 
arrivals. Please try a narrower search.

#SUBJECT=New library material matching your Preferred Searches
The library has recently added material to its collection that may be of 
interest to you based on your preferred search settings.  You may view and request 
the material via the link(s) below.  

Preferred Search: %S

Author: %a
Title: %T
Publisher: %p
Call No.: %c
ISBN: %i

#EMAILFOOT=Please let us know if you have any further questions.