Using the Limit to Available Search Feature

The Limit to Available Search feature is not supported on INN-Reach Central Servers or with Preferred Searches.

The Limit to Available feature allows users to limit searches to titles defined as "available" in the catalog.

Using the Limit to Available Search Feature

To search using the "Limit to Available" feature, check the Limit search to available items box on the appropriate search help page or in the search widget, and then execute the search.

The WebPAC determines that a title is available as follows:

Bibliographic records with attached items - The title is considered available if it has at least one attached item record that meets the following criteria:

  • The item has a status code defined as available.
  • The item does not have a specified checkout date in fixed-length field 063.
  • Bibliographic records with no attached item or checkin records - The system considers these titles available by default.

    Setting Up the Limit to Available Search Feature

    To enable the Limit to Available search feature in the WebPAC, edit the AVAILLIM Web option and the appropriate Web forms.

    Customizing Web Options

    To enable Limiting to Available in advanced searches, complete the following steps.

    1. In the Web Options function, select the General Display and Behavior group.
    2. Set the AVAILLIM Web option.
    3. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Options function to make the same changes to your live Web options file.
    4. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.
    Limit to Available Status Codes

    To change the codes used by the WebPAC to define "available" items in the Limit to Available functionality, contact Innovative.

    Customizing Web Forms

    To add the option of Limiting to Available on advanced search pages, complete the following steps.

    1. Using the Web Master function, add the <--{availlim}--> token to any Search Help files in your staging screens where you want the limit to appear.
    2. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Master function to put the files in your live directory.
    3. Save your changes.