Central Pickup Locations Mapping File

The Pickup Locations Mapping file stores pickup and Delivery Stop locations for each site in your INN-Reach System.

Central System Administrators maintain the Pickup Locations Mapping file.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the INN-Reach Central Pickup Location file, note the following:

Data Elements

Each entry consists of the following elements:

Pickup Location (display name)
The name of the pickup location. This value displays in the list of possible pickup locations when a patron places requests on the INN-Reach Central Server. The value also appears to staff in Sierra on the Local Server.
Location Code
The five-character code that uniquely identifies a site (that is, the institution or agency) within your INN-Reach System.
Print Name
The name of the pickup location that prints on paging slips.
Delivery Stop
The name of the Delivery Stop for your courier service pickup location that prints on the INN-Reach Circulation paging slip underneath the name of the borrowing site. This name can be up to 32 characters long.