Outputting Vouchers Configuration Options

To change your configuration, contact Innovative.

Below are the options that Innovative can configure for your organization's electronic vouchers and printed vouchers.

Electronic Voucher Output Options (to disk or via FTP)

Default file name
The system default file name for the output file is chargeact.out. If your accounting office requires a different constant file name, Innovative can change the default file name to the one you prefer.
End of record marker
The default marker for the end of each record is an ASCII carriage return (i.e., HEX 0D). You can request that the system use a different end of record marker.
Include vendor details
When this option is enabled, records containing vendor name and address data are included with the output file in addition to the Invoice, Adjustment, and Encumbrance records. The vendor data is extracted from the vendor records and precedes the Invoice, Adjustment, or Encumbrance record(s) to which it applies. You can choose one of the following variations for this feature:
  • Never include vendor details (default).
  • Always include vendor details. The vendor address is taken from the 'q' field (VEN. ADDR.) in the order record. If there is no 'q' field, the vendor address is taken from the ADDRESS 2 field in the vendor record (the PAY TO field), if that field contains data. Otherwise the vendor address is taken from the ADDRESS 1 field in the vendor record (the SEND ORDERS TO field).
  • Only include vendor details when the VENDOR in the order record is "none". The vendor address is taken from the 'q' field (VEN. ADDR.) in the order record. If there is no 'q' field in the order record, blank lines will be output in its place.
Vouchers for all units
When this option is enabled, the system will include the vouchers for all accounting units in the output file. By default, this option is disabled.
If your organization decides to implement this option, it is also possible to have the system substitute the order date for the invoice number for encumbrances.
Include 'x' and 'y' records
When this option is enabled, the system automatically outputs records that begin with the letter 'x' or 'y' (i.e., x-records and y-records). By default, this option is disabled.
Invoice total for foreign currency invoices
When this option is enabled, the invoice total for foreign currency invoices is included in place of the vendor code and alternative vendor code. By default, this option is disabled.
Do not enable this option if the Expanded format option is enabled. If both options are enabled, the foreign currency amount is output twice.
External fund from NOTE1
When this option is enabled, the system takes the external fund code from the NOTE 1 field of the fund record. By default, this option is disabled.
Library-specified field(s)
This option allows your organization to specify one variable-length field and up to three fixed-length fields from the order record to include in the output file. Note that only the first 14 characters of the variable-length field are included in the output.
Expanded format
This option forces the system to include the entire content of fields, such as NOTE 1, of the fund record. You must enable this option if you want the entire 15-digit fund code to appear on your vouchers. If this option is disabled, the fund code on the vouchers is truncated to five digits. By default, this option is disabled.
If you enable this option, make sure the Invoice total for foreign currency invoices option is disabled. Otherwise, the foreign currency amount is output twice. For further information, see the description of the expanded output.

If you are already using the output vouchers interface, and you subsequently request the expanded format output, you might have to reconfigure the interface between the output file and your accounting office's system.

Printed Voucher Output Options

Choose one of these options for formatting printed vouchers.

Texas Vouchers

If required, you can ask for the State of Texas format to be used on your printed vouchers.