Data Output for Each Voucher Transaction

The output file consists of a series of records containing fixed-length data fields. In the tables below, both the standard format and the expanded format of the output file are described. In the standard format, each record is 250 characters. In the expanded format, each record is 360 characters.

To output data in expanded format, contact Innovative.

If you are already using the output vouchers interface and you subsequently request the expanded format, you might have to reconfigure the interface between the output file and your accounting office's system.

The record types in the data determine which fields are written to the output file. The contents of the Rec Type data element (the second element of the record) identify the record types that appear in the output file.

Record Type Rec Type field contains
Invoice (expenditure) Purchase Order number
X-records (expenditure) x-record number
Y-records (expenditure) y-record number
Expenditure adjustment xpend0a
Encumbrance adjustment liens0a
Appropriation adjustment appro0a
Lien (encumbrance) Purchase Order number
Vendor name & address VENNAME
Last record in file ALLDONE

Invoice and Adjustment Records

The fields written for each record type are detailed below (note that byte numbering begins with byte 01, rather than byte 00).

Field Name Standard Length Bytes Expanded Length Bytes Comments
Voucher number 7 01-07 10 01-10  
Rec Type 7 08-14 11 11-21 Serves as a record type identifier. It might contain a Purchase Order number, and an x-record or y-record number, or one of the strings liens0a, xpend0a, or appro0a.
Fund code 5 15-19 5 22-26 Stores the first 5 digits of the fund code only. If you are using codes longer than 5 digits, this element truncates the fund code.
Subfund number 1 20 1 27  
External fund 20 21-40 25 28-52 Can be from the External Fund table or NOTE1 field of the fund record, depending on your Output Vouchers configuration.
Paid date 8 41-48 8 53-60 mm-dd-yy format
Inv date 8 49-56 8 61-68 mm-dd-yy format
Invoice number 16 57-72 19 69-87  
Amount 14 73-86 14 88-101 Field is right-justified, blank fill, with first digit preceded by a minus sign if negative.
Tax 14 87-100 14 102-115 Format is the same as above.
Use tax 14 101-114 14 116-129 Format is the same as above.
Ship 14 115-128 14 130-143 Shipping charge; Format is the same as above.
Discount 14 129-142 14 144-157 Service charge or discount; Format is the same as above.
List price 14 143-156 14 158-171 Format is the same as above.
Lien 14 157-170 14 172-185 Encumbrance; Format is the same as above.
Lien flag 1 171-171 2 186-187  
Status 1 172-172 1 188  
Notes 35 173-207 35 189-223 Includes the number of copies and (if applicable) the amount in foreign currency. The note might be truncated depending on its original length and whether foreign currency information is also present.
Vendor code 5 208-212 5 224-228 From the vendor record.
Alt vendor code 10 213-222 11 229-239 From the vendor record.
Vendor name 27 223-249 63 240-302 From the vendor record or the 'q' field (VEN. ADDR.)of the order record. See NOTE below.
Full fund code --- --- 15 303-317 Includes the full fund code (up to 15 characters).
Padding; just spaces --- --- 42 318-359  
End-Of-Record marker 1 250 1 360 Default is ASCII Carriage Return (i.e., HEX 0D), but this may be changed in the Output Vouchers configuration at your organization's request.


At your organization's request, the Vendor Name field can be subdivided into two fields:

Field name Standard length Bytes Expanded Bytes

Vendor name as described above





A library-specified field from the order record





Lien Records

Lien (encumbrance) records are output only if you select the Output encumbrances option.

Field Name Standard Length Bytes Expanded Length Bytes Comments
Sequential lien number 7 01-07 10 01-10  
Rec Type 7 08-14 11 11-21 Contains a Purchase Order number.
Fund code 5 15-19 5 22-26 Stores the first 5 digits of the fund code only. If you are using codes longer than 5 digits, this element truncates the fund code.
Blank or zero 137 20-156 145 27-171 These bytes represent the same fields as in Invoice and Adjustment records, but all values are blank or '0'.
Amount 14 157-170 14 172-185 Field is right-justified, blank fill, with first digit preceded by a minus sign if negative.
Vendor code 5 208-212 5 224-228 From the vendor record.
Alt vendor code 10 213-222 11 229-239 From the vendor record.
Vendor name 27 223-249 63 240-302 From the vendor record or the 'q' field (VEN. ADDR.) of the order record. See NOTE below.
Full fund code --- --- 15 303-317 Includes the full fund code (up to 15 characters).
Padding; just spaces --- --- 42 318-359  
End-Of-Record marker 1 250 1 360 Default is ASCII Carriage Return (i.e., HEX 0D), but this may be changed in the Output Vouchers configuration at your organization's request.


At your organization's request, the Vendor Name field can be subdivided into two fields:

Field name Standard length Bytes Expanded Bytes

Vendor name as described above





A library-specified field from the order record





Vendor Name and Address Records

Depending on the setting of the Include vendor details configuration option, Vendor Name and Address records may be output in addition to the Invoice, Adjustment, and Lien records.

Field Name Standard Length Bytes Expanded Length Bytes Comments
Voucher 7 01-07 10 01-10  
Rec Type 7 08-14 11 11-21 Contains VENNAME.
Vendor code1 5 15-19 5 22-26 Blank if no vendor code. See NOTE below.
Alternative vendor code1 10 20-29 11 27-37 Blank if no vendor code. See NOTE below.
Vendor name and address, line 1 30 35-59 40 38-77  
Vendor name and address, line 2 30 60-89 40 78-117  
Vendor name and address, line 3 30 90-119 40 118-157  
Vendor name and address, line 4 30 120-149 40 158-197  
Vendor name and address, line 5 30 150-179 40 198-237  
Claim cycle 1 180 1 238  
Code1 1 181 1 239  
Code2 1 182 1 240  
Code3 1 183 1 241  
Vendor Note 1 66 184-249 100 242-342  
Vendor Foreign Currency --- --- 16 343-358  
Padding; just spaces --- --- 1 359  
End-Of-Record marker 1 250 1 360 Default is ASCII Carriage Return (i.e., HEX 0D), but this may be changed in the Output Vouchers configuration at your organization's request.

1At your organization's request, the vendor code and alternate vendor code fields can be replaced with foreign currency information whenever the invoice amount is in a foreign currency (these bytes are blank if the invoice amount is in the native currency). This requires that in your organization's Output Vouchers configuration, the Include vendor details option is set to "always" and that the Invoice total for foreign currency invoices option is enabled.

Field Name Standard Length Bytes Expanded Length Bytes

For. curr. code and invoice total in for. curr.





Last Record

The last record in the output file is identified by the keyword "ALLDONE" and contains totals for specific fields in all records in the file.

Field Name Standard Length Bytes Expanded Length Bytes Comments
Voucher 7 01-07 10 01-10  
Rec Type 7 08-14 11 11-21 Contains "ALLDONE".
Blank 58 15-72 66 22-87  
Total Amount 14 73-86 14 88-101 Field is right-justified, blank fill, with first digit preceded by a minus sign if negative.
Total Tax 14 87-100 14 102-115 Format is the same as above.
Total Use Tax 14 101-114 14 116-129 Format is the same as above.
Total Ship 14 115-128 14 130-143 Shipping charges; Format is the same as above.
Total Discount 14 129-142 14 144-157 Service charges or discounts; Format is the same as above.
Total List Price 14 143-156 14 158-171 Format is the same as above.
Total Lien 14 157-170 14 172-185 Format is the same as above.
Blank 79 171-249 174 186-359  
End-Of-Record marker 1 250 1 360 Default is ASCII Carriage Return (i.e., HEX 0D), but this may be changed in the Output Vouchers configuration at your organization's request.