Entering a Line Item that has No Order Record

In Sierra, any line item for which there is no corresponding order record can be entered on an invoice as an x record.

To create an x record:

  1. Create an invoice.
  2. On a new line on the invoice, enter an x as the first character of the record number. This record number:
    • Must be at least two characters long.
    • Can be up to 11 characters long.
    • Cannot contain the pipe (|) character.

Sierra displays a dialog in which to enter x record information.

  1. In the Creating X or Y Records dialog, enter the Fund, Encumbrance to be removed, and the Amount of payment. You can also enter a Note of up to 35 characters.If your library uses subfunds, you must also enter the Subfund.
Special Characters in the Note Field

Innovative recommends entering alphanumeric characters only in the Note field. Special characters such as the ampersand (&), apostrophe ('), and brackets (< or >) can cause display problems in Fund Activity Reports.

  1. Click OK to return to the invoice. Clicking Cancel clears the x record line item.
  2. Finish creating the invoice as described in Creating Invoices.
X Records and Vendors

If the invoice you are creating already has a vendor, Sierra uses that vendor for the x record; however, if the x record is the first line item in the invoice, the system prompts you to enter a Vendor name from the list of vendors.