Circa Configuration File

The Circa configuration file defines aspects of Circa functionality. You can edit this file by choosing E > Edit Circa Workstation Configuration in Admin Corner.

The default configuration file displays as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE AIRWKSTCONF SYSTEM "/dtd/airwkstconf.dtd">

Circa Configuration File Tags

The following XML tags are used in the Circa configuration file. Note that these are the only valid tags for this file.

XML Tag Definition
<AIRWKSTCONF> Required for the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.
<REQUIRESSL> If set to 'y', 'Y', 't' or 'T', Circa requires SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security and does not function on wireless devices attempting to access Sierra using plain text. If set to 'n', 'N', 'f', or 'F', Circa runs on a connection that is not secure. Note that your site must own an SSL certificate for SSL security to work.
Changing the Value of <REQUIRESSL>

If you change the value of the <REQUIRESSL> tag, you must do the following for your changes to take effect:

  1. Adjust the Circa Web Server Option to the appropriate value.
  2. Restart both the WebPAC (webpac) and the Tomcat processes. For more information, see Updating Web Options.
<ENABLEFILEPROCESSING> Set this element as follows:
Circa VersionSetting
Circa Wireless Inventory (barcode)N
Circa Wireless Assistant (barcode)N
Circa Wireless Inventory (RFID)Y
Circa Wireless Assistant (RFID)Y
<RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> This tag defines the path and file name of the file used by your RFID technology for temporary barcode storage. The file name corresponds to the name of the file in which your RFID technology stores recently scanned barcodes. The path corresponds to the location of the RFID storage file relative to the wireless Circa device's web server address and port.

Therefore, if the full path of the RFID storage file is the following:

http://<device address>:80/<optional directory>/<filename>

You enter only the path and file name after the Circa device's web server address and port as the <RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> tag value; in other words, everything after the port number:

/<optional directory>/<filename>

For example, if your RFID technology stores barcodes in:


You enter the following as the <RFIDPATHANDFILENAME> tag value:


<ULANG> Required for basic functions in the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.
<DEFAULTULANG> This tag defines the default language used by Circa (e.g., eng for English, frc for Canadian French) until the user's preferred language is known. The default value is eng.
<AIRPACCONNECTION> Required for basic functions in the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.

This tag is no longer used.


This tag is no longer used.


This tag is no longer used.

<MILAPPCONNECTION> Required for basic functions in the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.
<MILAPPHOST> This tag defines the machine on which the Sierra server is mounted. The value for this tag is the Sierra server's IP address (e.g., or machine name (e.g., at your site. The default value is ''; set this tag to your site's host value to enable the Sierra link.
<MILAPPPORT> This tag defines the Sierra server's port. The value for this tag is the number of the port to which Sierra connections are made on the Sierra server machine. The default value is the standard port value for Sierra applications: '2000'. If your site uses a different port value, set this tag to your site's port value to enable the Sierra link.
<PROTECTEDITEMSTATUSES> Required for basic functions in the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.
<ITEMSTATUS> Required for basic functions in the Circa configuration file. Do not edit or move this tag.
<CODE> This tag defines the item statuses you want to protect from modification by Circa's checkin, checkout, rapid update, and change item status functionality. The value for this tag is the one-character code associated with the item status you want to protect. The value 'o', which is reserved for library use, is the default value, but this value can be removed. You can add as many item status <CODE> tags as necessary to the Circa configuration file.
<LABEL> This tag defines the meaning of the item status code used in the <CODE> tag. For code value 'o', the standard label is 'LIB USE ONLY'. You can add as many <LABEL> tags to the Circa configuration file as you have item status <CODE> tags.