Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains different options depending upon the current function or type of record displayed. The Tools menu contains some or all of the following options:

Add Record To List
Allows you to add a record to the review file you have chosen to view; see Adding Records to a Review File for more information. Add also is available on the toolbar in the review file dialog.
Advanced Options
Contains the Move Issue Level, Move Supplement Level, and Move Index Level options, which are advanced checkin card editing options that allow you to move the data from one enumeration level to another in a checkin card. See Moving Enumeration Levels for more information.
Allows you to add records to an existing review file; see Adding Records to a Review File for more information. Append is also available on the toolbar.
Box Menu
Contains options to edit checkin card boxes. See Editing Checkin Cards for a list of the options in this menu.
Cancels the invoice you are currently working on.
Card Display
Contains options to change the checkin card display function. See Changing the Checkin Card Display Mode for more information.
Card Function
Contains the following options that allow you to change the current function for the displayed checkin card:
  • Check in: Allows you to check in issues of a serial.
  • Claim: Allows you to claim issues of a serial.
  • Bind: Allows you to bind issues of a serial.
Card Menu
Contains options to edit, delete, and archive the checkin card. See Editing Checkin Cards for a list of the options in this menu.
Character Map
Allows you to insert Unicode characters into records by choosing from a value from a character set. See Entering Diacritics and Special Characters for more information.
Check In (Do Not Fulfill Holds)
Enables you to check in items without fulfilling any holds that are in the hold queue for those items. See Checking In Items - Do Not Fulfill Holds for more information.
Claim Ownership
Allows you to claim ownership of the selected review file. A review file that is owned can only be altered by the file's owner; see Setting Ownership of a Review File for more information. This option is also available as Own on the toolbar.
Clear Payment History
Allows you to clear all data in the Payment History file, including the appropriations.
Closes the selected record.
Allows you to copy the selected review file to another review file; see Copying a Review File for more information. Copy is also available on the toolbar.
If you are in the Headings Reports function, this option allows you to create a checking new headings report.

If you are in the Data Exchange function, this option allows you to create an output file for transfer.

Create Card
Allows you to create a checkin card (see Creating Checkin Cards). This option displays only if there is not a checkin card in the checkin record.
Allows you to delete the selected record.

In Hierarchies folder, removes the selected fund code from a group's folder. In Current Funds folder, deletes the selected fund.

Displays a pop-up table listing duplicate recommendations. Selecting a title from the table displays the bibliographic record affiliated with this title. Your ability to view and update the record depends upon your level of authorization in this function.
Displays the selected record for editing.
Edit Record
Allows you to edit the review file you have chosen to view.
Edit Vendor Priority Mapping
Displays the Vendor Priority Mapping table. This option only appears while editing a vendor record.
Allows you to empty the selected review file; see Deleting Records from a Review File for more information. Empty is also available on the toolbar.
Allows you to execute a program file in Data Exchange.
Explain Verification Codes
Displays a window explaining the codes used in headings verification. For more information, see Verifying Headings on MARC Records.
Allows you to export selected fields from a review file to a delimited file that is sent to the client PC.
Export Record
Allows you to export individual record, while in the view or edit function, to the local PC (see Exporting an Individual MARC Record).
Depending on the application, the Find option has one of two formats. In Acquisitions, the Find option allows you to search for funds that match a specified criteria (see Finding Funds that Match Your Criteria). In Circulation, the Find option contains three sub-options:
  • Find in Column: Search for a string in the selected column.
  • Find in any cell: Search for a string in any cell in the table.
  • Find next: Display the next hit.
Calculates the total on your invoice and then finalizes the calculations when you choose Finish for the second time.
Allows you to toggle from your local currency to foreign currency when you are entering invoices in foreign currency.
Function | Cancel By Vendor
Enables functions for cancellations initiated by vendors (e.g., Cancel Date, Cancelled by Vendor) on the Record tab of the order record display.
Function | Claim/Cancel
Enables claims and cancelling-related functions (e.g., Claim, Update Claim, Cancel Order) on the Record tab of the order record display.
Function | Receive
Enables receiving-related functions (e.g., Receive Date, Copy EPRICE to item, Receive, Show Report) on the Record tab of the order record display.
Function | Update
Enables ordering-related functions (e.g., Edit) on the Record tab of the order record display.
Allows you to get a file from a local PC or a remote location. For more information, see Transferring Files Using FTP.
Hide Row/Hide Column
Allows you to remove a row or column from a report display in Statistics.
Allows you to insert a currency rate into the Foreign Currency table. See Maintaining the Foreign Currency Table for more information.
Allows you to run a report over a review file, a range of records, or from an index search in URL Checker.
Allows you to reduce the number of records retrieved by specifying further search criteria. This option becomes enabled when a browse search has been performed. See Limiting a Local Search for more information.
Allows you to load a file of MARC records to your database. For more information, see Data Exchange.
Allows you to toggle from foreign currency to your local currency when you are entering invoices in foreign currency.
MARC Tag Info
Displays a MARC tag information window, allowing you to validate MARC tag information for bibliographic, authority, or checkin records. For more information, see Validating MARC Tag Information.
Media | Add Media Set
Allows you to add a new media set. See Adding New Media Sets for more information.
Media | Expand Tree
Expands the media set to display all media files in Media.
Media | Collapse Tree
Collapses the display of the media set in Media.
Allows you to create new fund records. See Creating Fund Records for more information.
New Grp
Allows you to create a new group of funds. See Grouping Funds for more information.
Pattern Menu
Contains the Define Pattern and Edit Pattern options, which allow you to define and edit the holdings pattern for the issues, supplements, or indexes of a serial. If the checkin record already contains a holdings pattern, the Define Pattern option displays as Add a Pattern.
Pick List
Prints a Pick List for a Mobile Collections Group. See Printing Pick Lists for more information.
Allows you to pre-process a file of MARC records to load into your system. For more information, see Data Exchange.
Prints the table, card, or report. The print icon is not enabled unless there is data in the table or a report has been generated.
Print Invoice
Prints the invoice currently displayed in either the Invoice or Vendor function. See Invoicing for more information.
Print Monographic Label (Label Printer)
Prints a monographic label for the displayed item. See Printing Monographic Labels for more information.
Print Spine Label
Uses Print Templates to print a spine label for the displayed item. See Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates for more information.
Print Worksheets
Allows you to print a record by entering either the record number or barcode. You can print the specified record only or all associated records. See Printing Records for more information.
Prompt in Wizard
During template creation or edit, specifies that a field be included in a wizard when a template is being used to create a new record (see Managing Templates for New Records).
In Acquisitions, this option allows you to add funds and vendors to an existing group in the Hierarchies folder.

In Data Exchange and other functions, this option allows you send a file of output records to a local PC or remote location.

Queue Monographic Label To Print
Adds label data for the displayed item to a printer queue. You can then edit the label and print it at a later time as part of a batch label printing process. See Adding Items to a Label Queue for more information.
Queue Spine Labels to Print
Adds label data for the displayed item to a print template queue. You can review the label and print it at a later time as part of a batch label printing process. See Batch Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates for more information.
Quick List
Allows you to create a temporary folder of funds, known as a quick list, to compare funds.
Range Menu
Contains options to modify a selected range in a holdings statement. The options are:
  • Insert Range before Selected
  • Append Range at the End
  • Delete Selected Range

See Editing Holdings (LIB HAS) Fields for more information.

Rapid Update Options | Update Individual Record
Allows you to specify a single record to update.
Rapid Update Options | Update Multiple Records
Allows you to specify a range of records to update.
Allows you to override your last Undo action. The Redo option does not display until you use the Undo option.
If you are in a view-only session, choose Refresh to verify whether the user who is in an edit session is finished. If so, your session will refresh and you will be able to edit.
Release Ownership
Allows you to release ownership of the selected review file; see Releasing Ownership of a Review File for more information. This option is also available as Release on the toolbar.
Remove Line
Removes the selected line item from an invoice.
Remove Record From List
Deletes a selected record from the review file you have chosen to view.
Allows you to rename the selected review file; see Renaming a Review File for more information. Rename is also available on the toolbar.
Allows you to rename input or output files in Data Exchange.
Allows you to restore a record you removed from a review file in Create Lists.
Allows you to resume a process (such as creating or sorting a review file) that was temporarily halted through use of the Suspend tool. Resume is also available on the toolbar.
Search | Browse
Searches the entire database and displays the results in a browse list.
Search | Range
Retrieves the range of records specified and displays them individually in the editor, where they can be modified.
Shift Focus
Toggles between the Invoice Processing display and the bibliographic record display.
Allows you to permanently halt a process (such as creating or sorting a review file). Stop is also available on the toolbar.
Allows you to temporarily halt a process (such as creating or sorting a review file or entering an invoice). To resume the process, select the Resume tool. Suspend is also available on the toolbar.
Allows you to display data from other fields in the selected records.
Transfers the Mobile Collections Group to the next location on its route. See Transferring Mobile Collections Groups for more information.
Allows you to remove your last change.
Verify Heading
Allows you to verify an indexed heading for an individual field. For more information, see Updating Indexed Headings.
Verify Record Headings
Allows you to verify all indexed headings on a record. For more information, see Verifying Record Headings.
Displays the record or file in view-only.
View Spine Label Queues
Opens the View Spine Label Queues window to review the contents of the Print Templates spine label queue. See Batch Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates for more information.