Batch Printing Monographic Labels Using Print Templates

You can send monographic label information to a queue for batch printing from the edit display or summary display of item records. Batch printing includes three tasks:

Queueing monographic labels for batch printing
Viewing the print queues
Printing the queues

Queueing Monographic Labels for Batch Printing

To queue labels for batch printing, retrieve an item record and choose Tools | Queue Spine Labels to Print | Queue<#>.

The system provides up to nine separate print queues per login per session. You can choose the destination queue for each item, or for a group of items selected from an item summary list.

Print Queue Persistence

Sierra maintains print queues for the current session only. If you attempt to close your Sierra session while items remain in a queue, the system displays a Warning dialog box. If you choose to close your session, all print queue contents are lost.

Viewing the Print Queues

After you send items to the print queues, you can review the queues by choosing Tools | View Spine Label Queues.

Each print queue appears in a tab. The system displays only those queues that contain label information to be printed. Thus, if you send items only to queues 1, 4, and 5, tabs for empty queues 2, 3, and 6 - 9 do not appear.

Each queue includes a numbered list of entries identified by the item record number, a portion of the title from the 245 or 210 field of the parent bibliographic record, and the location code from fixed-length field 79 of the item record.

In the View Spine Label Queues window, you can:

Searching for Items Within the Queue

To search for an item in the print queue list:

  1. Click the tab of the queue in which you want to search.
  2. Enter the item number, title, or location you want to find into the corresponding text box.
  3. Choose Find. The system highlights all matching items and places a dark border around the line of the first item in the list that matches your search term.
  4. Choose Find again to move the dark border to the next matching item.
Notes on Searching

The following considerations apply to print queue searching:

  • The item number must be exact and begin with 'i'. The check digit is not required.
  • The title search need not include the full title. Any exact string contained within the title results in a match. The search is not case-sensitive.
  • The location code must be exact.
  • Choose Find with all search boxes empty to clear an existing search.

Removing Items from the Queue

To remove items from a print queue:

  1. Click the tab of the queue with which you want to work.
  2. Select (check) the box in the Remove column that corresponds to the item(s) you want to remove.
  3. Choose Remove Checked. The Confirm Removal dialog box appears.
  4. Choose Yes to remove the selected item(s) or No to return to the queue without removing items.
Always prompt before removing checked labels

The Confirm Removal dialog box includes a checkbox that enables you to skip the confirmation step for further deletions. Deselect (uncheck) the Always prompt before removing checked labels check box to disable the confirmation dialog box. This is a per-session setting. The confirmation dialog box returns when you start a new Sierra session.

  1. To clear all items from the queue, choose Remove All.

Prepending Blank Labels

You can print to a partially-used label sheet by prepending blank labels to a print queue. In the Number of blank labels to prepend box, specify the number of labels to skip before printing the first label.

"Blank" Labels

The system prints no data to the number of labels you specify to skip. However, any non-data elements appearing in the template are printed to the "blank" labels.

Previewing the Print Job

To preview the first page of a print queue on your monitor:

  1. Click the tab of the queue you want to preview, and then choose the Print Preview button.
  2. Select a template for the preview, and then choose Select. The template you select applies to all labels in the queue.
  3. When you finish previewing the labels, choose Close to return to the print queue.

Printing the Queues

To print a queue of labels:

  1. If you are not in the View Spine Label Queues window, choose Tools | View Spine Label Queues.
  2. Click the tab of the queue you want to print, and then choose the Print button.
  3. Select a template for the print job, and then choose Select. The template you select applies to all labels in the queue.
    Selecting a Template

    When batch label printing, you must always select a template regardless of the options chosen in Print Templates Settings. Default printer settings options are honored.

  4. If prompted, select a printer for the print job, and then choose Print. (See Printing With Print Templates for information on default printer settings.)
  5. When the Printed Successfully? dialog box appears, choose Yes to empty the queue, or No to preserve the queue.
  6. Choose Close when you want to close the View Spine Label Queues window. Closing the window does not empty the print queues.