Finding Funds that Match Your Criteria

To find funds that match the criteria:

  1. Choose Funds from the Function list.
  2. On the tree of funds, choose the fund group you want to search. Sierra only looks for matching funds within the group you have chosen.
  3. Choose Find Fund.
  4. From the Type pull-down menu, choose one of the following: appropriations, expenditures, encumbrances, and free or cash balances, percent spent, or percent free.
  5. From the Expression pull-down menu, choose a matching expression.
  6. Enter a Value.
  7. Choose OK to begin your search, or Cancel to cancel your search. In the Temp folder, Sierra creates a temporary group that contains the funds that match your search criteria. The group is named with the search criteria (e.g., Expenditure > $1,000). You can view those funds in the Data, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart tabs.
See also:
Viewing the Data for a Fund or Group of Funds
Graphing or Charting a Fund or Group of Funds