Graphing or Charting a Fund or Group of Funds

To view fund data in a pie chart or bar graph format for a group of funds in the hierarchy or for a single fund:

  1. Choose Funds from the Function list.
  2. On the tree of funds, choose the fund or fund group.
  3. Choose the tab for pie charts or bar charts.

Pie Chart Display

For a group, Sierra displays a chart of the relative percentages of each fund's appropriations, expenditures, or encumbrances. Change the category that displays by choosing the buttons at the bottom of the chart.

For an individual fund, Sierra displays the relative percentages of appropriations, expenditures, and encumbrances. The base of the pie chart is the appropriations for the fund, labelled "Free Amount." For a fund with no expenditures or encumbrances, the pie chart is 100% Free Amount. Expenditures and encumbrances are fractions of that total. For example, in a fund with an appropriation of $1000, expenditures of $500, and encumbrances $250, the Free Amount would be 25%, the Expenditures would be 50% and the Encumbrance would be 25%. If your database contains a fund for which the sum of the encumbrances and expenditures totals more than the appropriations, Sierra displays "Overcommitted" and cannot represent the fund as pie chart. Such a fund should be viewed in the Bar Chart tab.

Bar Chart Display

For a group, Sierra displays a chart of the relative percentages of each fund's appropriations, expenditures, or encumbrances. You can toggle the display to show money (the amount in local currency) or percentages by choosing the buttons at the bottom of the chart.

For an individual fund, Sierra toggles between the relative percentages and local currency amounts for the fund's expenditures and encumbrances.

See also:
Viewing the Data for a Fund or Group of Funds