Printing Records

In Sierra, you can print the contents of records by doing one of the following:

Printing Diacritics

In order to print diacritics, you must choose a local or locally-networked printer configured for graphic printing.

Printing a Record by Specifying a Record Number or Barcode

To use this feature, you must be assigned permission 81(Print worksheets). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Using the Print Worksheets feature, you can print a record by specifying a record type and number if that record type displays in your Sierra function. For information on which record types display in different Sierra functions, see Record Displays.

To print a record:

  1. Choose Tools | Print Worksheets. Sierra opens the Print Worksheets dialog box.
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose one of the following.
    • . Record# - If you choose this option, enter the record tag for the record type you want to print followed by the record number (for example, b10029834 for bibliographic record number 10029834).
    • b Barcode - If you choose this option, enter or scan a barcode.
  3. Choose one of the following:
    • Only the record specified - This option prints only the record you specify. If the record you enter is a child record attached to a parent record (for example, an item record attached to bibliographic record), Sierra also prints the parent record.
    • All associated records - This option prints all records associated with the record you entered. For example, if you enter an item record, Sierra prints the bibliographic record, as well as any order, holdings, and item records attached to the bibliographic record.
  4. Choose Print. The Print Worksheets dialog box remains on the screen in case you want to print another record.

Printing a Record Currently Displayed in Your Sierra Function

By choosing the Print button on the toolbar, you can print the contents of a record that is currently displaying. Additionally, you can print information related to the record that is included in one of the tabs in the record display. For example, if you print from the Summary tab, Sierra prints the brief record display for the parent record, as well as summary information for all attached records. If you print from the Record tab, Sierra prints the specified record and the parent record.

To print a record or related information:

  1. Retrieve a record.
  2. Do one of the following.
    • If you want to print the full parent record, choose View or Edit from the toolbar. Sierra displays the parent record.
    • If you want to print an attached record or related information on one of the tabs (for example, Summary tab information), choose the appropriate record tab.
  3. Choose the Print button on the toolbar.
  4. If prompted, choose a printer from the Select a Printer dialog box.
  5. Choose OK.