Configuring a Local Printer for Non-Roman Character Sets

Contact Innovative to enable the printing of 880 field data on purchase orders.

To accommodate non-Roman character sets such as Arabic, Cyrillic, and CJK, Sierra uses graphic printing when printing purchase orders, order claims for orders, and serial issue claims. Before you can begin printing, however, you must first configure a local printer.

Print Configuration System Options

In addition to configuring a local printer, you must set the relevant system options to enable the printing of these character sets. For purchase orders, set the PO printing format Acquisitions option. For order and serial claims, set the Claims/cancellations printing format Acquisitions option.

To configure a local printer:

  1. Select File | Select Printer and choose Form Printer. The system displays the Select Printer dialog box.
  2. Select Local Printer, and then choose OK.
  3. In the Local Printer Settings dialog box, select the Page Setup tab. Enter the following values on this tab:
Setting to Change Value to Enter
Size Legal
Orientation Landscape
Margins (left) 6.35
Margins (right) 5.65
Margins (top) 10.0
Margins (bottom) 0.0
  1. Choose OK to save your changes or Cancel to close the dialog box without saving any changes.