Claims/cancellations printing format


If you have enabled Print Templates for order claims, order cancellations, or serials claims, the system does not use this option for that output type.

Use this option to specify the format for claims and cancellations printed from your system. When you choose the Claims/cancellations printing format option, the system offers you the following menu:

Claims/cancellations printing format
Current Value: Standard Claim form, tractor

This setting controls format of order claims and cancellations and serial claims

    1 > Standard Claim Form -- Laser Printer, Landscape
    2 > Standard Claim Form -- Tractor-Feed Printer
    3 > Standard Form -- Non-Latin Characters, Laser Printer, Landscape
    4 > Single Title, Portrait(data printed as on standard form)
    5 > Return to Acquisitions Menu

Choose one:  (1-5)

Choose a format from this list. The various formats are described below.

1 > Standard Claim Form, Laser -- prints on the standard claim forms in landscape orientation using a laser printer.

2 > Standard Claim Form, Tractor-Feed -- prints on the standard claim forms using a wide-carriage, tractor-feed printer.

3 > Standard Claim Form, Non-Latin Characters -- prints on the standard claim forms in landscape orientation using a laser printer. Choose this option if your library prints a lot of claims or cancellations using non-Latin character sets. Note that this option requires printer setup.

4 > Single Title, Portrait -- prints in the portrait orientation. This option prints data in the same format as the standard form, but on either 8.5 x 11 or A4 paper.

See also:

PO printing format