Editing Holdings (LIB HAS) Fields

To edit LIB HAS fields, you must be assigned permission 144 (Update checkin records).

To access the Holdings tab, you must also be assigned one of the following permissions:

  • 077 (Serials checkin)
  • 088 (Claim overdue issues)
  • 089 (Bind serials)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Before editing LIB HAS fields in the Holdings tab, see:

To edit a LIB HAS field in the Holdings tab:

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function drop-down list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin record.
  3. Select the Holdings tab.
  4. If not already defined, define the holdings pattern for the serial.

If your library distinguishes among issues, supplements, and indexes, define a separate pattern for each type of serial piece. Note that you do not need to define the holdings pattern if your library does not want to begin using MARC LIB HAS fields that are automatically formatted by Sierra; see How Sierra Stores Holdings Data for more information.

  1. Highlight a holdings range in the OPAC View box by clicking on the desired range. Note that each range in the OPAC View box corresponds to a separate LIB HAS field.

Sierra displays the data from the highlighted range in the Selected Range area of the tab. If the range is a manually-formatted LIB HAS field, the Selected Range area shows a standard variable-length field editor.

If the range is an automatically-formatted LIB HAS field, the Selected Range area shows the Holdings editor.

  1. Edit the holdings in the Selected Range area.
  2. After editing the holdings, choose Save to save your changes.
  3. Choose Quit to exit the Holdings tab and bibliographic record.
See also:
Advanced Mode of the Holdings Editor
Editing Automatically-Formatted LIB HAS Fields
Editing or Adding MARC LIB HAS Fields
Merging Two MARC LIB HAS Fields
Adding Textual LIB HAS Fields to Existing MARC LIB HAS Fields
Deleting MARC LIB HAS Fields
Editing 85x or 86x Fields
Adding 85x Fields
Adding 86x Fields
Defining, Adding, and Editing the Holdings Pattern
Updating Holdings During Serials Checkin

Possible Messages (editing holdings fields)

This section describes some of the messages you might see when using the Holdings editor to edit holdings fields:

Cannot delete selected caption. Selected caption is used by range statements.
The 85x field you attempted to delete in the advanced mode of the Holdings editor is a caption and pattern statement used by at least one 86x field. You cannot delete it.
About to add textual field to record. OK to continue?
If you respond Yes to this message, the system will add a textual LIB HAS field, i.e., an 866 field, to the checkin record. This 866 field is associated with the MARC LIB HAS field that is highlighted in the Holdings editor. Note that the automatically-formatted MARC LIB HAS field is not deleted.