Adding Textual LIB HAS Fields to Existing MARC LIB HAS Fields

For certain serials, you might decide not to display a MARC holdings field to the public in the WebPAC. In such cases, you can create a textual LIB HAS field to parallel the existing MARC field, and then you can specify that the textual field displays to the public. The existing MARC 86x field is not altered in any way.

  1. In the OPAC View box, select a holdings range that corresponds to an 86x field that was automatically formatted by Sierra in the Holdings editor.
  2. Choose View Textual to add a textual LIB HAS field that will be associated with the 86x field you selected in step one. Choose OK when Sierra asks you to confirm the change with the following message:

Selected holdings range does not have an associated textual field. Do you want to add one?

The system adds a textual LIB HAS field (an 866 field) to the checkin record. This field is associated with the 86x MARC field. The existing 86x field is not altered in any way.

  1. Enter the holdings data into the textual LIB HAS field using the standard variable-length field editor.
  2. To display the textual field in the WebPAC, select the Show textual in OPAC view check box.
  3. To display the MARC 86x field in the Holdings editor, choose View Full MARC.

Note that once you add an 866 textual field to a checkin record, choosing View Textual does not add another 866 textual field, but rather simply displays the existing field.

See also:
Editing Holdings (LIB HAS) Fields
Editing Automatically-Formatted LIB HAS Fields
How Sierra Stores Holdings Data