Updating Holdings During Serials Checkin

Call Innovative if you would like to update summary holdings during checkin.

To update summary holdings during checkin, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 144 (Update checkin records)
  • 077 (Serials checkin)
  • 088 (Claim overdue issues)
  • 089 (Bind serials)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The summary holdings can be automatically updated during checkin. Also, the Holdings editor can be set to appear when an issue is checked in.

Each checkin card has a default setting for the method of updating holdings during checkin. You can override the card's default setting. If a default for the checkin card is not set, the method of updating holdings during checkin will be the system default. The library chooses the system default when Innovative installs the feature.


If a serial has levels of chronology and no enumeration and you check in issues in other than chronological order, you must merge the resulting holdings statements.

For example, if you check in the January 2004, February 2004 and April 2004 issues, updating holdings during checkin results in the holdings statement: (Jan 2004-Feb 2004), (Apr 2003). If you then check in the March issue, the holdings statement is updated to: (Jan 2003-Mar 2003), (Apr 2003). Merge the statements to create the holdings statement: (Jan 2003-Apr 2003).

Setting the Checkin Card's Default for Updating Holdings During Checkin

To set the checkin card's default method of updating holdings during checkin:

  1. Choose Tools | Card Menu | Edit Card from the menu bar. The Edit Card dialog box appears.
  2. Make a selection from the Update Holdings? drop-down menu:
    • No - Do not update holdings during checkin.
    • Yes - Update holdings automatically. Checking in the issue automatically edits the holdings statement.
    • Yes w/ dialog - Update holdings through the Holdings editor, which appears when an issue is checked in.

Overriding the Checkin Card's Default Setting

To override the checkin card's default setting when checking in an issue:

  1. In the Serials Checkin function, choose Tools | Card Function | Check in from the menu bar.
  2. Select an issue or range of issues to check in.
  3. Choose an option from the Update Holdings? drop down menu at the top of the checkin card.
    • No - Do not update holdings during checkin.
    • Yes - Update holdings automatically. Checking in the issue automatically edits the holdings statement.
    • Yes w/ dialog - Update holdings through the Holdings editor, which appears when an issue is checked in.
  4. Choose the Check In button at the top of the checkin card.

Using the Holdings Editor During Checkin

To use the Holdings editor during checkin:

  1. In the Serials Checkin function, choose Tools | Card Function | Check in from the menu bar.
  2. Select an issue or range of issues to check in.
  3. Choose Yes w/ dialog from the Update Holdings? drop down menu at the top of the checkin card.

To make this the default setting for the checkin card, see Setting the Checkin Card's Default for Updating Holdings During Checkin

  1. Choose the Check In button at the top of the checkin card. The Holdings editor appears.
  2. See the Editing Holdings (LIB HAS) Fields for information on editing holdings statements.
See also:
Editing Checkin Card Parameters
Issues, Supplements, and Indexes