Defining, Adding, and Editing the Holdings Pattern

In the Holdings tab, you can define a holdings pattern for a checkin record that does not contain any current patterns. You can also add a new holdings pattern to the checkin record; in this case, any currently defined patterns are not altered. In addition, you can edit the existing holdings pattern. The procedures for defining, adding, and editing a holdings pattern are essentially the same.

To define, add, or edit the holdings pattern for a serial:

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin record.
  3. Select the Holdings tab.
  4. Choose Define Pattern, Add a Pattern, or Edit Pattern from the Tools | Pattern Menu menu. Sierra displays the Enumeration and Chronology dialog.
  5. Set the following information:
    • Levels of Enumeration - Choose the number of levels of enumeration, and enter a label for each.
    • Levels of Chronology - Choose the number of levels of chronology, and enter a caption for each.
    • Display Caption - For each level of chronology, select the Display Caption check box if you want to show the chronology caption in the WebPAC display.
  6. Choose Submit to set the pattern and exit the dialog.
  7. If your library distinguishes among issues, supplements, and indexes, choose the Supplements and Indexes tabs and repeat these steps to define, add, or edit the holdings patterns for supplements and indexes.
See also:
Editing Holdings (LIB HAS) Fields
Holdings Tab
How Sierra Stores Holdings Data