Exporting an Individual MARC Record

To export MARC records, you must be assigned permission 273 (Export MARC Records).

You can export a bibliographic or authority record from Sierra to a local computer when you view or edit the record. When you export the record, the system converts the database record to the unblocked MARC record format.

Exporting Multiple Records

This page describes how to export an individual MARC record. Using Data Exchange, you can export a file containing multiple MARC records. For more information, see Exporting Records

To export an individual MARC record:

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic or authority record.
  2. Choose Tools | Export Record.
  3. The first time you export a record, the Export Record Initial Export dialog box appears.
  4. Enter a File name, including the directory and path, to specify an output file for exporting. Alternatively, you can specify a file by choosing Browse and selecting an existing file.

You can specify a default value for this field in the Export Records Settings.

  1. From the Output table drop-down list, choose the table that defines the mapping of Innovative fixed-length and variable-length fields to MARC fields and subfields when the MARC record is exported.

You can specify a default value for this field in the Export Records Settings.

  1. Choose one of the following commands to export the first MARC file of the session:
    • Append—Appends the MARC file(s) exported during the current session to the specified export file, and leaves any pre-existing MARC files intact.
    • Replace—Replaces any pre-existing MARC files with the MARC file(s) exported during the current session.

After you choose either to Append or Replace, all subsequent MARC files exported during the current session are appended to the export file.

Changing the Export Options

The options you choose determine the method of export for all MARC files during the current session. To change any of these options in the current session, you must end your session and start a new one.

See also:
Data Exchange
Export Records Settings