Removing and Restoring Records in a Review File List

If the file from which you want to remove records is owned, you must be the file's owner (as indicated in the Login column) or be assigned permission 186 (List Administrator). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can remove individual records from a review file list or remove all records by emptying the review file. If you accidentally remove records from a review file, you can restore them.

Removing records from a review file list does not delete the records from your library's database.

Removing Records from a Review File List

To remove records from a review file list:

  1. Click Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Select a review file, and open it by double-clicking the row.
  3. Select the records you want to remove, and click Remove on the toolbar.

If you accidentally delete the wrong records, you can restore them.

Emptying a Review File

To empty a review file:

  1. Click Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Select the review file you want to clear.
  3. Click the Empty button from the toolbar.
  4. The system confirms that you want to empty the file. Click Yes to empty the file, or click No to return to the list of review files.
File Ownership

If the review file you selected is owned (that is, there is a red, italicized login name in the Login column), and you are neither the owner nor have List Administrator permission, the system does not allow you to remove records from or empty the file.

Restoring Records in a Review File

You can restore records while the review file is still open. Once you close the review file, any records you removed cannot be restored.

To restore a record you removed from a review file:

  1. Click Restore on the toolbar. Create Lists opens the Restore Records window and displays the records you removed during the current session.
  2. Select the records you want to restore, or click All to restore all the records.
  3. Click Restore. Create Lists restores the records using the review file's current sort order and closes the Restore Records window.
See also:
Setting Review File Authorship and Ownership