Processing Recommendations

Using the Recommend function, you can review and order recommended titles. These are titles suggested by regular patrons or by authorized selectors. Recommendations are entered through WebPAC (see Additional Items to Acquire).

To perform all the functions associated with processing recommendations, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 016 (Read patron suggestions)
  • 045 (Holds management)
  • 098 (Override patron blocks)
  • 101 (View bibliographic records)
  • 102 (Create bibliographic records)
  • 104 (Update bibliographic records)
  • 121 (View item records)
  • 124 (Update item records)
  • 131 (View order records)
  • 132 (Create order records)
  • 134 (Update order records)
  • 161 (View patron records)
  • 162 (Create patron records)
  • 164 (Update patron records)
  • 189 (Maintain selectors list)
  • 190 (Process patron suggestions)
  • 199 (Allow Z39.50 searches)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

In Sierra, you can:

See also:
Recommendations Settings
Possible Messages (Processing Recommendations)