Possible Messages (Processing Recommendations)

This section describes some of the messages the system might display when you process recommendations.

Recommendations are being processed by another staff member.
You are using the Recommend function after another user has already started using it. This message appears in the status bar. As long as the other user remains in the Recommend function, you will not be able to acquire, approve, or deny recommendations.
Sorry, you are not authorized to read patron suggestions. Try again?
You do not have the proper permission to read and process patron suggestions in the Recommend function.
WARNING: Record has been changed. Do you want to save changes?
You are attempting to exit a record without saving the changes you have made to it. Choose Yes to save the changes and exit the record. Choose No to exit the record without saving your changes. Or choose Cancel to clear the error message and return to the record.
This action will remove these recommendations from the file. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
You are in the process of either approving or denying recommended titles. Choose Yes to proceed approving or denying the recommendations and removing them from the file. Choose No to return to the Approve Recommendations table without approving the titles or to the Deny Recommendations table without denying the titles. By choosing No, the titles will not be removed from the file.
Please select a reason for denial for each title.
You are in the process of denying recommended titles, but you have not indicated a denial reason for each title. Choose OK to exit from the message and return to the Deny Recommendations table where you can select the denial reason for each title.