Acquiring Recommended Titles

To acquire recommended titles, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 016 (Read patron suggestions)
  • 045 (Holds management)
  • 101 (View bibliographic records)
  • 102 (Create bibliographic records)
  • 104 (Update bibliographic records)
  • 121 (View item records)
  • 124 (Update item records)
  • 131 (View order records)
  • 132 (Create order records)
  • 134 (Update order records)
  • 190 (Process patron suggestions)
  • 199 (Allow Z39.50 searches)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To acquire titles recommended by selectors or non-selectors:

  1. View a recommended title.
  2. Choose the Approve and Acquire button for a selected title on the table. You can approve and acquire one title at a time.
  3. In the detailed display for the recommendation under the Suggestion tab, choose Acquire. If you are viewing a recommendation made by an authorized selector, the Selector tab is also activated and you can choose this tab to access a view-only display of the selector's account information.
  4. Create a new bibliographic record or search for an existing bibliographic record. Sierra uses the default template selected in the Admin | Settings | Recommendations tab.
  5. Create a new order record. The system uses the order record settings selected in the Admin | Settings | Recommendations tab. For titles recommended by an authorized selector, the default values for the LOCATION and FUND fields in the order record are those defined for the selector.
  6. Check the Place Hold checkbox on the record display to place a title-level hold on a recommendation made by an authorized selector.

Check the Notify checkbox on the record display to send an approval and acquisition notification to an authorized selector as soon as you complete the process for approving and acquiring the selector's recommendation.

Mark both checkboxes if you want to place a hold for the authorized selector and send notification by email to the selector.

Overriding Patron Blocks

If you are assigned permission 98 (Override patron blocks), the system automatically overrides any patron blocks and places holds for patrons who have the Place Holds option checked on their selector records.

If you are not assigned permission 98 and the patron's record has a block, no holds are placed on recommended titles even if the patron's selector record has the Place Holds box checked.

  1. After you have finished creating the bibliographic and order records, the system returns you to the recommendations table.