Recommendations Settings

The Recommendations tab is divided into two sections. The top part of the tab refers to settings for new order records created during the Approve and Acquire process. The bottom part of the tab sets the default templates for any new records created from within the Recommend function.

Options for New Order Records

Don't ask these questions when creating new order records
If this check box is not selected, a dialog box containing the following options appears each time you enter Recommend. Select this check box to choose default Recommendations options and prevent the dialog box from automatically appearing .
Use Today's Date as Order Date?
If this check box is selected, today's date is used as the order date. If the check box is not selected, you can enter a different date after the order record has been created.
Use Today's Date as Received Date?
If this check box is selected, today's date is used as the received date in the order record's RDATE field. If the check box is not selected, the RDATE field remains blank.
Queue Purchase Orders for records?
If this check box is selected, purchase orders are queued for printing in Print/Send function.
Add Selector field to new orders?
When this option is set, the system adds the variable-length field SELECTOR to each order record you create with the Recommend function. If your library does not have the Selector Tag option set, this option is unavailable.

New Record Templates

You can specify default templates for creating the following record types in Recommend function:

If you want to choose a template at the time of record creation, leave the template option as Prompt for template.

If you have selected a list of preferred templates, only those templates appear in the list for each record type.