Viewing Recommendations

To view recommendations, you must be assigned permission 016 (Read patron suggestions). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Using the Recommend function, you can view recommendations made by regular patrons or by patrons with Selector accounts:

  1. Choose Recommend from the Function list.

If another user is already working in the Recommend function, the status bar displays the following message: Recommendations are being processed by another staff member. As long as the other user is working in the same function, you can view recommendations, but you cannot acquire, approve, or deny recommendations.

  1. By default, Sierra displays a table of non-selectors' recommendations. To view selectors' recommendations, choose Selectors from the drop-down list. A table does not appear if no recommendations were submitted by the type of selectors you have chosen.
  2. To limit the table display by the name of a particular selector (or non-selector) or by the title of a particular recommendation, select Name(n) or Title(t) from the drop-down list on the left. Enter the name or title for your limiting parameter and choose Search. The system displays the titles that match your search criteria. To exit the display of limited search results and return to the original table, choose Reset.
  3. Select a title from the table by clicking on it. After selecting a title, you can do the following:
View Detailed Suggestion
To view all information submitted for the recommendation, place your mouse over the selected item, right-click, and choose the option View detailed suggestion.
View Duplicate Information
The Dup column on the right-hand side of the table of recommendations lists whether there are items already in your database that might duplicate the recommendation. To view information on these potential duplicate titles, choose Tools | Duplicates.
Note that the title of the recommendation must match a title in your database exactly in order to be listed as a duplicate. For example, a recommendation with the title "The Unbearable Lightness" does not qualify as a duplicate of a database record with the title "The Unbearable Lightness of Being".