Creating Checkin Cards

To create checkin cards, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • 144 (Update checkin records)

To access the Card tab, you must also be assigned one of the following:

  • 077 (Serials checkin)
  • 088 (Claim overdue issues)
  • 089 (Bind serials)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

A checkin record cannot have more than one checkin card. You can only create a checkin card if the checkin record does not already have one.

Information from the 853, 854, or 855 fields of the checkin record will automatically be entered in the frequency, levels of enumeration, captions, levels of chronology, and numbering continuity fields of the new checkin card. The most recent information in the checkin record is used. You can edit the new card before saving it if you wish to change the entries in these fields. See Correspondence Between MARC 21 and Checkin Card Fields for more information.

To create a checkin card for a checkin record:

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin record for which you want to create a checkin card.
  3. To display the Card tab, click on the tab.
  4. Choose Create Card. Sierra displays the Create Card dialog in Simple mode.

The Simple mode of this dialog allows you to create checkin cards for serials with only two levels of enumeration: volume and issue. See Creating Checkin Cards: Advanced Mode for information on the Advanced mode of the Create Card dialog.

  1. Fill in the checkin card fields. The checkin card fields are the same for issues, supplements, and indexes. See Overview of Checkin Card Fields for more information on these fields.

Note that the values you enter for the Cover date, Expected date, and volume and issue numbers apply to the first issue, supplement, or index in the checkin card. Depending on the Frequency of the serial, you may need to enter Cover date values for up to the first three issues.

  1. Select the Create item during check-in option if you want to create item records automatically while checking in the serial.
  2. Select the Suppress OPAC display check box to prevent the checkin card from displaying in the WebPAC.
  3. Choose OK to create the card. Choose Cancel to exit without creating a checkin card.
See also
Creating Checkin Cards: Advanced Mode
Overview of Checkin Card Fields
Extrapolating Boxes
Editing Checkin Cards
Editing Checkin Card Parameters

Creating Checkin Cards: Advanced Mode

The Advanced mode of the Create Card dialog allows you to create checkin cards for serials that conform to the full MARC 21 standard which includes up to six levels of enumeration plus two alternate enumeration levels. In addition, you can specify a different Caption, Mode, Pieces per level, and Numbering continuity for each enumeration level. See Overview of Checkin Card Fields and Editing Checkin Card Parameters for information on editing these fields.