Claiming Serials

To claim serials, you must be assigned permission 088 (Claim overdue issues). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The expected date for a serial is the date it is expected to arrive at the library for check-in. A grace period, entered in the checkin card's Days before claim field, follows the expected date. If the serial has not been checked in by the end of the grace period, the expected issue displays in the checkin card as "LATE". (However, the "late" display does not change the actual status, which remains "EXPECTED".)

When you claim serials, a letter or email is generated and sent to the vendor, requesting that the serial be sent to the library. Information from the order record appears on the claim letter to assist the vendor in matching up the order and the claim.


Innovative recommends claiming regularly, especially if claims are sent via e-mail. Claiming regularly prevents you from sending an e-mail message to your vendor that is too large to be accepted. When claims are e-mailed, there is one line for each claim in the e-mail message.

If a number appears immediately after the word "LATE" in the checkin card box display (e.g., "LATE1", "LATE2"), it is an indication that the late issue already has been claimed that many times.

When you are claiming serials, the system displays the last PAID field in the order record, so that you can verify that the vendor has received payment for the serial. To view, edit, or replace the order record associated with the checkin card, see Modifying Order Records within Claiming.

To search your library's database for any issues that are late, or to retrieve the checkin card for a specific late serial, see Searching for Late Issues to Claim.

To claim a late issue, see Claiming Late Issues.

See also:
Sending Claims
Overview of Checkin Card Fields
Creating Checkin Cards