Searching for Late Issues to Claim

You can search your library's database for all issues that are displaying as "LATE". You can claim these serials during this process.

To search for late serial issues to claim:

  1. Choose Claiming from the Function list.
  2. Use the drop-down list to choose a method of searching for issues to claim. Your choices include:
  3. Set the search parameters. For example, if searching a range of records, enter the first and last record number of the search range.
  4. Choose Start.

Sierra searches for a record with late issues. If late issues are found, the system displays the checkin card with the late issues selected. If you want to claim issues other than the ones automatically highlighted, select the desired boxes.

  1. When late issues are found, you can:
    • Claim the late issues.
    • Choose Next to go to the next record.
    • Choose Previous to go back to the previous record.
    • Choose Stop to stop searching for late issues and to exit the current record. A dialog detailing the number of records scanned and the number of records found appears. If you have claimed any issues, you are prompted to save the record.

Retrieving a Specific Serial for Claiming

If you know that a particular issue of a serial is late and needs to be claimed, you do not need to search the entire database using the Claiming function. Instead, you can search for the serial and then claim the late issue(s) from that serial's checkin card.

To find a specific serial's checkin card:

  1. Choose Serials Checkin from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the checkin card for the serial that has late issues.
  3. Claim the late issue(s).