Searching Subsets of Database Indexes

To search using this method, choose an index (title, patron name, etc.) and then a subset of that index. Some or all of the search criteria are determined by the application and function. In some functions, only records that require action by the function are retrieved.

Sierra offers two methods of searching a subset of database indexes:

Searching a Range of Record Numbers

To search records in a subset of the record number index:

  1. Choose Tools | Search | Range from the menu bar.
  2. Choose Range from the subset drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the record type prefix and starting record number (without a check digit) in the Start text box, e.g., o1000007.
    The system initially displays the first record in the database (of the function's default type) in this text box. If your library has multiple accounting/serials units, the Start text box initially contains the first record number in your accounting/serials unit.
  4. Enter the record type prefix and ending record number (without the check digit) in the Stop text box, e.g., o1092121.

    The system initially displays the last record in the database (of the function's default type) in this text box. If your library has multiple accounting/serials units, the Stop text box initially contains the last record number in your accounting/serials unit.
  5. Choose the Start button to begin your search. As the system searches for records, it displays the record number of the current record in the Current box.
  6. Choose Next to display the next matching record. Previous allows you to page backward through the records. Use the Finish button to clear the search.

Searching a Subset of an Index of Records

To search a subset of a selected index:

  1. Choose Tools | Search | Range from the menu bar.
  2. Choose Index from the subset drop-down menu.
  3. Choose an index from the index drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the starting and ending index entries in the text boxes.

    The system searches the range of index entries you enter. If your library has multiple accounting/serials units, the system only searches the current accounting/serials unit.
  5. Choose the Start button to begin your search. As the system searches for records, it displays the index entry of the current record in the Current box.
  6. Choose Next to display the next matching record. Previous allows you to page backward through the records. Use the Finish button to clear the search.