Selecting Boxes in a Checkin Card

From the Card tab of a bibliographic record, you can select the following from a checkin card:

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A selects all of the boxes in a checkin card.

The information about selecting boxes in a checkin card also applies to selecting entries in the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file. See Printing and Emailing Claim Letters

Selecting a Single Box

To select a single box in a checkin card, click on the box using your mouse. You can also move to the desired box using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Selecting a Range of Boxes

To select a contiguous range of boxes in a checkin card:

  1. Select the first box in the desired range.
  2. Select the remaining boxes by dragging the mouse over the boxes until all of the desired boxes are highlighted.

(You can also hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys, Page Up, or Page Down to highlight the desired boxes. Note that these keyboard options do not work in the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file.)

Selecting a Group of Boxes

To select a group of boxes that are not adjacent to one another:

  1. Click on the first box in the group.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on all of the other desired boxes.