Claiming Late Issues

To claim late issues of a serial:

  1. Retrieve the serial's checkin card. See Searching for Late Issues to Claim.
  2. If necessary, change the checkin card function to "Claim" by choosing Tools | Card Function | Claim .
  3. Sierra highlights the late issues in the card. To claim issues other than the ones highlighted, select the desired boxes.

See Days before claim for information on when an issue is considered "LATE" and eligible for claiming.

  1. To claim the selected issues:

When an issue is claimed, the checkin card box Status displays as "CLAIMED"; however, the actual Status of the issue remains "EXPECTED".

  1. Choose Close to exit the bibliographic record. Sierra prompts you to save your changes.
  2. Print or email claim letters.
See also:
Claiming Serials
Claiming All Late Issues