Claiming Issues as a Group

To select issues to claim, see Searching for Late Issues to Claim.

When you choose to claim late issues of a serial as a group, Sierra automatically claims all selected issues and allows you to enter only one claim note for all of the claims.

To claim all selected issues collectively:

  1. Choose Claim All. The system displays the Claim All Selected Boxes dialog.
  2. Enter the claim note in the Note box. This note prints on the claim letter of every issue you are claiming.
  3. Choose OK to write the claims to the serial-claims-awaiting-processing file. Choose Cancel if you decide not to claim any of the issues.

To view and edit the order record or change which order record is associated with the checkin card, choose the Record Number button. See Modifying Order Records in Claiming.

Sierra displays an order record number on the Record Number button only if there is an order record associated with the checkin card. If the card does not have an associated order record, the button displays "O00". You can choose the button marked "O00" and select an order record to associate with the checkin card.

See also:
Claiming Issues Individually