Updating Indexed Headings

You can verify indexed headings for the entire record (see Verifying Record Headings) or for an individual indexed field. When you verify a heading for an individual field, you can also update headings and other fields.

You can also use this option to verify that nonheading fields in item records are unique, such as call numbers, accession numbers, running numbers, and so on.

To verify a heading for an individual field:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic or authority record you want to verify a heading for, and click Edit.
  2. Select the variable-length field you want to verify by putting your cursor anywhere in the field and selecting Tools | Verify Heading. The Verify Heading browse window appears, displaying the highlighted record heading and surrounding headings from the index.

The system highlights the first match in the index. The entry for the record being edited appears in the "Invalid Text" color. By default, the system limits headings to display only for authority records. Clear the Display only Authority records box to expand the display to other record types.

You can hover over the iPopup icon in entries to see the expanded record display.

  1. To search the LC authority file at Innovative, click INN-View. For more information, see Verifying Headings Using INN-View Authority Validation.
  2. Select the heading you want from the browse list, and click Select. You can choose to replace the heading with another value from the list. In the Verify Heading browse window, indexed headings from authority records are noted as such. You can replace your heading with a heading from a bibliographic or an authority record.
  3. To confirm that the indexed heading is appropriate, you can view the record associated with that heading by clicking View. When you click View, the record appears in view-only mode, enabling you to ensure that the heading is relevant for your record. When finished, click Close to return to the Verify Field window.
  4. To replace your existing heading with the indexed heading, click OK.
Using Extended Information

If you verify a heading that contains "extended information", the system offers a new heading combining the indexed heading with the extended information from your heading. Sierra considers the following subfields to be extended information:

  • MARC 6XX fields - subfields 'v', 'x', 'y', or 'z', and any subsequent subfields
  • MARC non-6XX fields - subfield 't' and any subsequent subfields

In the case of duplicate extended information subfields, the system replaces the indexed subfield with your subfield information.

  1. Save the record with the updated information.

Updating a Heading with INN-View Authority Validation

If your library uses the INN-View Authority validation service, you can use this service during the process of verifying headings. For more information, see Verifying Headings Using INN-View Authority Validation.

Expanded Authority Record Display

Sierra shows an expanded record display when users hover the mouse pointer over the iPop-up graphic in the browse list of subject headings. The Expanded Authority Record Display shows details of entries, including:

Authorized Heading

The system uses the following criteria to display the authorized heading, in order of precedence:

  1. The first MARC 1XX field, regardless of field group tag. Includes subfields a-z.
  2. The first a-, d-, h-, j- s-, t-, or w-tagged non-MARC field.
Record details

The record number, including check digit, in brackets.  For example: [a12481632]

See From

The system uses the following criteria to display up to five related See From entries, in order of precedence:

  1. Up to the first five MARC 4XX fields, subfields a-z, regardless of field group tag.
  2. Up to the first five b-, e-, u-, k-, w-, r-, x-, i-tagged non-MARC fields.
See Also

The system uses the following criteria to display up to five related See Also entries, in order of precedence:

  1. Up to the first five MARC 5XX fields, subfields a-z, regardless of field group tag.
  2. Up to the first five -, f-, v-, l-, x-, q-, z-, m-tagged non-MARC fields.

The system uses the following criteria to display up to three related Notes entries, in order of precedence:

  1. Up to the first three MARC 667-68X field, subfields a-z, regardless of field group tag.
  2. Up to the first three n-tagged non-MARC fields.

The system displays up to three Miscellaneous entries using up to the first three y-tagged fields.


See also:
Verification Codes
Using Headings Reports
Bibliographic Record Browse Display