OPAC options

The following OPAC system options can be set by authorized staff. Click on any of the linked options for an explanation of that option. Default values are listed with each option.

When you choose the OPAC options menu option in Admin Corner, the following options appear:

01 > Library name to display in upper right corner of screen..........LINCOLN
02 > Characters removed from beginning of user-typed search......a ,an ,the ;
03 > Browse list: show field instead of normalized entry. For indexes:...NONE
04 > Browse list: show if "see also" reference is broader/narrowerCALL Innov.
05 > Browse list: maximum number of entries that can be sorted by year...5000
06 > Summary box: Use menu of attachments.................................YES
07 > Summary box: Include Request in menu of attachments..................YES
08 > Summary box: Display menu line when external links exceed..............3
09 > Summary box: Define menu of attachments...................Choose to view
10 > PRINT command prints Full Record or Screen only.................FULL REC
11 > Wording of menu option to reverse order of display of items.......RECENT
12 > Sort records by Locations Served List................................YES
13 > Status message for checked out item...........................DUE <date>
14 > Offer limit to AVAILABLE in submenu for Extended Volume/Copies........NO
15 > Display order record in item record box..........ONLY IF NO ITEM RECORDS
16 > Requests: Journals: Ask for article title, etc.......................YES
17 > Requests: Which item...................................DENY IF ANY AVAIL
18 > Requests: Pickup location...............................LOCATIONS SERVED
19 > Requests: Patron eligibility determined by........................P TYPE
20 > Requests: Eligible patrons....................................1-25,37,42
21 > Requests: Message for patrons denied access...............Choose to view
22 > Requests: Amount to charge.......................................NOT SET
23 > Requests: Message to agree to charge......................Choose to view
24 > Offer option to reverse author name on failed search.................ASK
25 > Service level for "Y > Search another DB".................Choose to view
26 > Export option: Capture instruction..................................NONE
27 > Fields exported in ProCite/End Note Refer format..........Choose to view
28 > Personal ID Num (PIN) in patron record...............................YES
29 > Patron self-identification field.................................BARCODE
30 > Patron self-identification prompts & examples.............Choose to view
31 > Patron can view own record...........................................YES
32 > Patron can cancel own holds..........................................YES
33 > Patron can renew own items............................................NO
34 > Bib record: Display relator codes in full text.......................YES
35 > Checkin record: Display 86x tag lines as separate lines..............YES
36 > Checkin record: break LIB HAS statements at space-space...............NO
37 > Advanced Searching: Ranking Options.................................RAD
38 > Number of days to limit the search history log.........................10
39 > Code used for material type.............................................1
40 > Web-Opac unlimited users ports.............................Choose to view
41 > AVS automatic quote insertion..........................................NO
42 > AVS perform adjacency search...........................................NO
43 > Tag to use for course passwords in course records.......................s
44 > AVS performs OR search................................................YES
45 > Has LDAP...................................................Choose to view
46 > Enable request button suppression for non-requestable materials........NO
47 > Patron self-identification barcode overlay.............................
48 > License record status field and active value........................214,v
49 > Maximum size of forwarding service logs..............................10
50 > Alert email for forwarding service.........................Choose to view
51 > Checkin Record: Resource record field to use for 856 link text..........f
52 > Check Patron Blocks when viewing a resource............................NO