Summary box: Define menu of attachments

Use this option to specify the appearance of the menu of attachments, and the wording and sequence for the menu lines which are associated with these link types.

Options on this screen include:

Key a number to change the "TEXT TO DISPLAY" -- Change the wording of a menu line which appears in the menu of attachments. The maximum text length is 70 characters. When you choose a menu line by keying its line number, the system prompts:

Input new text for <LINK TYPE>: old data<=new data


To delete a menu line, press <RETURN> without entering any text. The system includes the appropriate menu option at the bottom of the full record display. For example, if you delete number 2 above ("Table of contents") then the Show Table of Contents option is not offered from the menu of attachments and the K > Display TABLE OF CONTENTS option appears at the bottom of the screen when a retrieved bibliographic record contains MARC 970 fields.

H > Create HEADER line -- Change the text for the header that displays at the top of the menu of attachments. The header can be up to 75 characters.

M > MOVE link type -- Change the order of the menu lines in the menu of attachments. When you choose this option, the system prompts for the line number of a link type and the position to which to move the link type. For example, if you would like the menu line offering the option to display more volumes/copies ("Items/orders" link type) to appear at the top of the menu of attachments in the above example, select M > MOVE link type. The system prompts:

Move which link type (1-5) 5

Move link type 5 (Items/orders) to which position in the list (1-5)? 1