Summary box: Display menu line when external links exceed

The library can acquire the ability to link electronic resources, e.g., telnet connections and images, to bibliographic records. If a retrieved bibliographic record contains links to electronic resources, the system offers a menu line for each link in the summary box in the full record display.

As a default, the system offers all links to electronic resources in the menu of attachments. This option allows you to specify the maximum number of links to electronic resources that will display before the system offers a menu line in the menu of attachments to display the list of links in a submenu. The menu line to view this submenu is associated with the "External links" link type; the library can specify the wording and location of this menu line in Summary box: Define menu of attachments.

If you have not acquired the feature to link electronic resources to Bibliographic records, the value for Summary box: Display menu line when external links exceed is set to "N/A".

In the Menu of Attachments, the value of Summary box: Display menu line when external links exceed is at least '2', because both links to electronic resources (options 2 and 3) are included in the menu of attachments.