Requests: Patron eligibility determined by

This option specifies the field in the patron record for the system to check to determine if the patron is allowed to make a request. Possible values are:

Value Description
PCODE1 PCODE1 from the patron record
PCODE2 PCODE2 from the patron record
PCODE3 PCODE3 from the patron record.
P TYPE The patron type.
Allow all patrons access This setting instructs the system not to check any fields in the patron record and allows all patrons to have access to the requests function. When Allow all... is selected , N/A shows in the list of OPAC options. When you select this setting, the settings for the linked options Requests: Eligible patrons and Requests: Message for patrons denied access are changed to N/A (Not Applicable).

Defining Codes Field Must Contain

After you have specified the field, the system prompts you to enter a list of codes for that field.

The patron's record must match a code specified here for the patron to access the request function.


Requests: Patron eligibility determined by: P TYPE

Requests: Eligible patrons
Current Value: N/A

Enter the values this field must contain for patrons to have access to
the "G > REQUEST ITEM" function.  Values can be entered separated by commas,
or a range of values may be entered (eg, 1,3-14,19,27)


Near the top of the screen the system displays the field you have specified. Below that it shows the option name and its current value.

PCODE1 and PCODE2 are one character codes defined by your library. For PCODE1 and PCODE2 the system prompts you to enter a comma-separated list of valid codes chosen from the library-defined list of codes, e.g., a,c,g. The system only allows you to enter the codes which your library has defined.

P TYPE and PCODE3 are numeric codes defined by your library. For P TYPE and PCODE3 the system prompts you to enter a range of valid values, e.g., 1,3-17,19,27. After you have entered the range, if you have entered any numbers not defined by your library, The system lists them and display nearby valid numbers. After you press <SPACE> the system prompts you to re-enter the range.

If you wish to change these values after the initial setting, use the Requests: Eligible patrons option.

Specifying the Deny Message

As soon as you have finished entering the required values, the system prompts you to enter the message to display when a patron is denied access to the requests function.

Near the top of the screen the system displays the field you have specified and the valid codes you have specified. Below that it identifies the option you are currently setting and its current value. If you want to restrict access to the requests function, you must enter a message to display to the patron when access is denied.

If you press <RETURN> without entering a message, the system displays a warning:

Please enter a message, or press <ESC> to return to the "OPAC options" menuPress <SPACE> to continue

Press <SPACE> to continue

Press <ESC> to abandon all changes (including changes you have made to the field for the system to check and the codes it must contain) and return to the OPAC options menu.

If you want to change the deny message after the initial setting, use the Requests: Message for patrons denied access option .