Library name to display in upper right corner of screen

Specify the library name as it will display in the upper right-hand corner of search screens on terminals which do not have a "status" line (i.e., information display on the bottom line of the screen), for example, Wyse 55, Wyse 160 and Innovative/Wyse T160E terminals as well as on PCs emulating DEC VT100. This name need not be the same as the name which displays on the status line of Wyse 50 terminals.

The name can be up 30 characters long. However, if it is too long, it might write over a portion of the top line of the OPAC screen message which displays on the initial OPAC screen. For this reason, you might consider keeping the library name short (e.g., 10 to 12 characters). To suppress the display of the library name in the upper-right corner of the screen, press <RETURN> without entering any data; if you do, "NONE" will display in the OPAC Options menu and there will be no library name displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Press <ESCAPE> to exit without changing the Current Name.

Wyse 50 Terminals

Changing this option does not affect the name which displays in the "status" line at the bottom of Wyse 50 terminals.