Service level for "Y > Search another DB"

Some libraries have acquired the option to transfer a search to another Innovative system or to a local reference database. For a discussion of transferring a search to another database, see Using Partners. A library can restrict access by login to a Partner or local reference database by specifying a Service Level (a number between 0 and 9, inclusive) for that Partner or database; each login is also assigned a Service Level.

Use this option to specify the Service Level for a Partner or local reference database. If this Service Level is greater than the login's Service Level, then the database is not offered in the list of available Partner systems. If the Service Level for every system is greater than the user's, the menu option to transfer a search will not be offered.

If there is only one Partner, the Service Level appears in the system options list as follows:

21 > Service level for "Y > Search another DB"..............................7

If there are multiple Partners, the message Choose to view appears in the system options list. If your system does not include the option to search another database, the message CALL Innov. displays in the system options list.

This option shows a list of databases with the assigned Service Levels. To change a Service Level for a database, select the number for the database. Change the service level at the prompt.