Edit Menu

The Edit menu enables you to perform basic Windows editing functions. The Edit menu contains some or all of the following options:

Attach Items
Creates a new item record and links it to the holdings or bibliographic record from which the menu command was selected. See Creating Holdings Records for more information.
Bibliographic (or BIBLIOGRAPHIC record)
Displays the full bibliographic record in the edit function if you are assigned permission 104 (Update bibliographic records).
Change Authority Type
When editing an authority record, enables you to change the authority type among TITLE, AUTHOR, and SUBJECT.
Change Code or Description
When editing a template, allows you to change the template code or description. See Editing Record Templates for more information.
Collection Agency Exclusion
If your site has acquired the Collection Agency Report product, enables you to exclude the current patron record from Collection Agency reports.
Copies selected text to your Windows Clipboard.
Copy Field
Copies the entire variable-length field, including the variable-length field tag, MARC tags and indicators, and all subfields. This option is available in any record type.
Copy Record
Creates a new record by copying the record that appears in the edit display. If you are copying an authority record, a submenu appears below the Copy Record menu option, allowing you to save the new record as a title authority, a subject authority, or an author authority. See Copying Records for more information.
Copy Template
Creates a new record template by copying the template that appears in the edit display. See Copying a Template for more information.
Displays the full course record in the edit function if you are assigned permission 174 (Edit course records).
Removes selected text and copies it to your Windows Clipboard.
Delete Field
Deletes the selected field in the record or template.
Allows you to edit an existing URL in the URL Checker function.
Edit Field
Allows you to edit an existing field in a record or template.
Allows you to search for a string of text in the record. See Finding Text within a Record for more information.
Import Order Information
Imports order record data into an item record. This option is available in the edit display of an item record. See Importing Order Information for more information.
Insert Field
Provides a drop-down list of variable-length fields you can add to the current record or template. Choose a field and enter the value of that field.
Link to additional bib record
Links the selected item record to another bibliographic record. See Linking Items to Additional Bibliographic Records for more information.
Link Existing Items
Links the selected holdings record to existing item records. See Creating Holdings Records for more information.
Location/Call no./Vol. Sort
Performs a volume sort on item records attached to a bibliographic record by sorting according to location, then call number, and then volume. This option is available when you view item records or all records in the Summary tab of a bibliographic record.
Modify Group
Allows you to modify the same field in a group of item, order, or checkin records at one time. Using this option, you can change all values in the field to the same value, or, if the field is an incrementable field (for example, the VOLUME field in item records), you can have Sierra increment the values. Note that this menu option is available only in the summary display. See Modifying a Group of Records from the Summary Display for more information.
Move to bottom/top of group
Moves a variable-length field to the bottom or top of the group.
Move up/down
Moves a variable-length field before the previous field or after the next field.
Old URL -> New URL
Allows you to replace an existing URL in the URL Checker function with a new URL.
Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard into an active text field.
Paste Field
The Paste Field option only appears when you have copied a field to the clipboard using the Copy Field option. This option pastes the contents of the copied field, including the variable-length field tag, MARC tags and indicators, and all subfields.
Displays the full patron record in the edit function if you are assigned permission 164 (Edit patron records).
Patron View Actions
Displays the following suboptions when you view item records:
View patron w/ item checked out
If you are assigned permission 161 (View patron records), view the patron record to which the item is currently checked out. Sierra enables this option only if the item is currently checked out.
View last patron to check out item
If you are assigned permission 161 (View patron records), view the last patron record to which the item was checked out. Sierra enables this option only if the item is not currently checked out.
View circulation history
If the Recent Circulation History feature is enabled, view a list of the last several checkins. The list includes the patron record numbers to which the item was checked out as well as the checkout and checkin dates. If you are assigned permission 161 (View patron records), you can view patron records from this list.
Preferences let you change the settings, colors, and font in the record editor, and the colors and font used elsewhere. If your library allows Sierra users to edit their preferences, this option is available.
Preserve Sort
Retains the new order of attached item, order, or checkin records when you sort the records by clicking the column headers in a table.
Prompt in Wizard
During template creation or edit, specifies that a field be included in a wizard when a template is being used to create a new record. See Using Templates for New Records.
Cancels up to ten of your last Undo actions.
Allows you to edit multiple new URLs in the URL Checker function by finding and replacing strings in the existing URLs.
Romanize | Create 880s/A-Z
Allows you to transliterate Chinese characters to Roman alphabet characters in a bibliographic record. For more information, see Creating 880s/A-Z.
Romanize | Delete 880s/A-Z
Allows you to remove the Roman characters from a Chinese record that has been transliterated. For more information, see Deleting 880s/A-Z.
Romanize | Flip
For more information, see Romanizing Chinese Bibliographic Records.
Romanize | Paired Display
Display Chinese characters and their romanized counterparts in a paired display. For more information, see Romanizing Chinese Bibliographic Records.
Select All
Selects all the elements in a table. This option is available for active tables.
Substitution Phrases
Displays a list of substitution phrases for use in variable-length fields.
Transfer attached
Transfers item, order, and checkin records from the current bibliographic record to another bibliographic record. See Transferring Attached Records for more information.
Cancels up to ten of your last editing actions.
Update Cat Date
Updates the CAT DATE fixed-length field with the current date.