Excluding Patron Records from Collection Agency Reports

To exclude a patron record from the Collection Agency reports, you must be assigned permission 700 (Edit Collection Agency Settings). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To prevent the system from including a patron record in the Collection Agency Reports for as long as desired, you can mark the patron record for exclusion from the report.

To exclude a patron from the reports:

  1. Retrieve the patron record.
  2. Open the record for editing.
  3. Go to the Edit menu.
  4. Select the Collection Agency Exclusion menu item. The system places a checkmark to the left of the menu item and adds a NOTE variable-length field to the patron record containing the words "Collection Agency Exclusion".
  5. Save your changes. The system adds the current date to the NOTE field in the patron record, for example:

Collection Agency Exclusion 12-10-2007

  1. If the patron record is currently included in the Updated Patrons Report, manually remove the patron record from that report.

As long as the Edit | Collection Agency Exclusion menu item is checked and the NOTE field containing the words "Collection Agency Exclusion" exists in the patron record, the system does not include the patron record in the Collection Agency reports. You can add information to the end of the Collection Agency Exclusion NOTE variable-length field, but you must not alter the actual words "Collection Agency Exclusion".

To generate a list of patrons excluded from Collection Agency reports, use Create Lists.

Exclusion and Merging Patron Records

To retain a patron's exclusion from Collection Agency reports when merging duplicate patron records, either the patron record marked for exclusion must be the destination record or you must re-mark the patron record for exclusion after the records are merged. The system does not retain the checkmark by Edit | Collection Agency Exclusion nor does it keep the NOTE variable-length field containing the exact phrase "Collection Agency Exclusion" from the source record.

See also:
Removing Patron Record Exclusions from Collection Agency Reports