Merging Duplicate Patron Records

To merge patrons, you must be assigned permission 36 (Merge patrons).

If your system contains two patron records for the same patron, you can merge the two records to combine their data into a single record.

Merging Patron Records

To merge duplicate patron records:

  1. Select Merge Duplicate Patron Records from the Function list.
  2. Enter the following information:
Source record number
The record from which you want to copy data. The source record is deleted after merging.
Destination record number
The record to which you want to copy data. The destination record is retained after merging.
  1. Click Merge Patrons. The system checks for any conditions that prevent the items from being merged. (For more information, see Possible Messages (Merging Duplicate Patron Records.)
  2. Resolve any issues before proceeding with the merge. Once all issues are resolved, the system displays the source and destination records.
  3. Click Merge Patrons to merge the records. The system:
    • Combines the data from the source record with the data in the destination record.
    • Deletes the source record, including patron signatures and internally-stored patron images associated with the record.
    • Adds a NOTE field to the destination record indicating that it has been merged. For example:
    Fri Jul 25 2011: Merged with .p1000789

How Record Data Is Combined in Merged Records

When you merge two patron records, the system copies data from the source record to the destination record as follows: