Changing the Colors

To change color settings, the Login can edit preferences option in your user account must be enabled by someone with the appropriate access in the Administration Application. This displays the Preferences option on the Edit menu.

If necessary, you can customize the default colors for various, user interface elements.

For information on changing the record editor's colors, see Setting Editor Colors Preferences. That process is a little different from the one described below. Most notably, it allows for senior library staff to set the editor's colors for users via the Sierra Administration Application.

For information on changing the colors used elsewhere, see the following sections in this topic:

Customizing the Color Settings

This procedure describes how to customize the color settings for important, user interface elements that appear throughout the application. Changes you make don't affect other users.

To customize the color settings:

  1. Select EditPreferences.

    The Colors and Fonts tab appears.

  2. Go to Colors.

  3. If you're currently using the default color settings, clear Use default colors.
  4. Select the color option to change:
    • Text: In Serials, this is the color of regular text in checkin boxes.
    • Entry highlight: This is the color of the selected entry in a browse display.
    • Button highlight: This is the color of the selected button.
    • Arrived box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in ARRIVED status.
    • Partial box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in PARTIAL status.
    • Removed box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in REMOVED status.
    • To Bind/Bound box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in TO BIND, BOUND, or BND PREP status.
    • Claimed box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in CLAIMED status.
    • Out of Print box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in OUT OF PRINT status.
    • Completed box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in COMPLETED status.
    • Out of Scope Box: If your library uses the Scoping product, this is the color of checkin card boxes that are outside of your scope.
    • Selection highlight: This is the color of the selected tab and the vertical scroll bar.
    • Button borders: This is the color of the border on buttons.
    • Background: This is the background color of the application.
    • Expected box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in EXPECTED status.
    • Missing box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in MISSING status.
    • Not Publ box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in NOT PUBLISHED status.
    • Late box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in LATE status.
    • Unavailable box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes in UNAVAILABLE status.
    • Alert: This is the color of alerts on patron tabs, such as alerts that indicate overdue items or items ready for pickup.
    • Incomplete box: In Serials, this is the color of checkin card boxes for checkin cards in INCOMPLETE status.
    • Sensitization indicator: While using the Item Status API, this is the sensitization indicator color that is applied to item information when the RFID scanner is used for circulation transactions. This color indicates that the item's security chip is not yet changed to the desired state.

    Many of the color options above relate to the status of a checkin box or checkin card, which are used in serials. For more information on these, see Overview of Checkin Card Fields.

  5. In the Choose a color dialog box, specify the new color by doing one of the following:
    • Select Swatches, and select a swatch from the palette.
    • Select HSV, and select or enter values based on the Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) color model. This model is also known as the Hue, Saturation, Brightness (HSB) model.
    • Select HSL, and select or enter values based on the Hue, Saturation, Lightness (HSL) color model.
    • Select RGB, and select or enter values based on the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color model.
    • Select CMYK, and select or enter values based on the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (CMYK) color model.

    Having difficulty choosing a color? There are many color pickers available online. For example, the color picker at lets you choose a color and shows you the lighter and darker shades in 5% increments. This can be handy for selecting the right shade.

  6. (Optional) To change additional color options, repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed.
  7. Select OK.

Restoring the Default Color Settings

Restoring the default color settings impacts all the user interface elements at once. This differs from customizing the colors, which you do one element at a time.

To restore the default color settings:

  1. Select EditPreferences.

    The Colors and Fonts tab appears.

  2. Go to Colors, and select Use default colors.
  3. Select OK.
See also:
Changing the Font
Setting the Editor Font Preferences
Setting the Editor Colors Preferences